21- One more time

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Yoongi p.o.v

"Okay...yeah, see you in a week.... Thanks Baekhyun... Bye",
I hang up and sighed, rubbing my face and trying to fight off the growing headache,
"What did he say?",
I turned to Jimin, he was folding his arms around himself, eyes silver and worried, he looked small and scared,
I hugged him and patted his hair,
"I'm flying next week",
The way he whimpered and hugged me tightly hiding his face in my neck.

I cupped his face and kissed him, I would never get tired of his lips, they way they taste like sweetness, the way their softness seduce me to bite them and lick them, the way his voice cracks when my tongue slides slowly over his,
I'm so in love with this blond boy...

I broke off the kiss and touched our noses together, his eyes wee teary staring at me,
"It's gonna be okay baby... i promise you",

We gathered with our friends tonight at a restaurant,  I told them that I have  something to do in the USA, even Army didn't know the real reason, only Jimin and Namjoon did, I trust Namjoon so much and I know I can count on him to take care of my baby if anything happened to me...

"We gonna miss you grandpa",
"I won't",
Tae pouted at me but I ruffled his hair and he smiled his boxy smile, Seokjin was off again telling us his lame dad jokes saying I'm gonna need them to laugh when I'm alone at the USA, like hell I'm gonna torture myself like that.

"So you are flying tomorrow morning?",
I noticed how Jimin's shoulders tensed and how his face and eyes saddened,
I put my hands on his thighs comfortingly,
"Yeah, I should be back in ten days though",
"Wow Yoongs that's so long",
"I know Hobi-ah, but it's urgent, don't worry I'm not gonna get lost",
They laughed and the mood lightened a little bit.

I stared at them one by one, those boys have my heart, Army, my sister who have been through a lot with me and never let me go, she is strong, fighter, protective over us all, support us and stand for us when someone bothers us or bad mouth us,
Hoseok, the walking ray of sunshine that spreads smiles, his heart shaped smile makes me smile no matter what and I'm so happy he fell for my sister, I can trust him with her.

Seokjin, the oldest one, his dad jokes makes me wanna kill him but I've to admit...I love his windshield whipping laugh,
Namjoon, the tall clumsy shit that manages to destroy everything, but still, has the vibes of a leader and so smart...

Taehyung, the alien of the group, his boxy smile makes him look like a cute puppy, he is like a younger brother to me, he never failed to make me smile when he forcefully hugs me even when I pretend I'm upset, his hug actually warms my heart,
Jungkook, the brat that never showed anyone of us respect, yet never fails to make us laugh, competitive as fuck and a walking muscle bunny, another young brother of mine...

And then there's Jimin, the love of my life, I hurt him a lot, I made him cry, I made him feel insecure and think he isn't enough, I made him think I'm just using his body and ignoring his feelings,
But I never meant to, I was just stuck in the trauma of being left behind if I told him,
But he didn't, be stayed, he loved me, he hugged me when I screamed at night for every fuckin night,
I can't describe how grateful I'm for him...

"Why are you looking at me like this?",
I shook my head and smiled at him,
"Nothing ..you are just beautiful",
He blushed and rolled his eyes playfully at me,
We haven't been having sex for this week, Jimin was persistent he wanted to cuddle and savor every moment together, he wanted to fly over to the USA with me but I refused, I needed him away while I'm doing the surgery,
If anything was to happen to me I don't want him to be there....

My bags are ready and I'm gonna leave the keys of my apartment with Jimin, Army said she is gonna spend the ten days at Hoseok's house and begged Jimin to come with them but he refused, Taehyung and Jungkook promised to go have sleepover with him as mucha s they can.

"Yooooongi-ah promise me you will get me some gifts from the USA",
I smirked at Seokjin,
"I will think about it",
"I know".

We were back at home, Jimin took my hand and walked us to our room, he went to the bathroom and turned off the lights, he started running the bath and took off his shirt not looking at me, I took off mine too, my eyes never leaving him as he unbuckled his pants and slide them down his legs, then his boxers,
My eyes racked over his body, my heart swelled with love and pride,
This is all mine...

He walked to the bathtub and slid in the water, I took off the rest of my clothes and slid behind him taking him to my arms and pressing our bodies together, he sighed in content and rolled his head backwards resting it on my shoulder, my hands rubbed his thighs slowly and his hand rested in my hair.

"Are you scared?",
"Nope...I trust Baekhyun",
"What if something went wrong Yoongi?",
I don't know...I'm terrified Jimin..
"Nothing is gonna go wrong pup, now relax and trust hyung okay ?",
He stared ahead of him and nodded slowly.

My hands went to his waist hugging him closer to me, I felt my breath hitching, I'm scared, I'm not scared to die, I'm scared of not seeing him again...
I can't...

I buried my face in his shoulder and tried to hold in my tears, his hands rested on top of mine, we were both crying but we didn't talk about it,
For tonight... I wanna savor him...
I wanna feel him and love him, I wanna touch him till my fingertips would be able to remember only his skin and it's warmth, I wanna make him moan my name till my ears would keep on replaying them over and over in my unconsciousness during the surgery.

Tonight...I'm gonna love him one more time... Just in case it was the last time....


I've that fucking strong urge to make this story end miserably someone punch me please 👀👀🙂🙂🙂🙂

But yet again....I'm not into sad endings😭🤦🏻‍♀
I don't know yet.... 🥺🤦🏻‍♀

Do u like sad endings butters? 👀

Love u 💜❤

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