18- No bottle (1)

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You guys gave poor kookie just one question😂🤦🏻
Okay so the questions totaled almost 27 questions! Wtf?! ┐(゚д゚┐)

A/N p.o.v

"I ain't playing that shit! What are you kindergartners??",
"You played truth or dare when you were in kindergarten, Min Yoongi? What was your dare huh? Suck on your toe?",
"That sounded kinky Tae",
"You guys are disgusting",
Yoongi, Kook and Tae have been quarreling for the last fifteen minutes and everyone was so ready to kick them out at this point.

"Would you all shut up! We can change the rules mister bitchy grandpa now come on!",
Yoongi glared at Army but complied anyways, they sat on the ground in the form of a circle, Jimin of course sat next to Yoongi,
"Alright hoes no bottle because Yoongi is allergic to them, the rules are: we're gonna write a bunch of dares and truth to each other and one by one will open all the papers he received from us , okay?",
A bunch of 'okay's and 'yes's were heard and Jimin got up grabbing an old note book of Yoongi and started tearing small pieces of papers, Tae and Hoseok helped spreading them around.

"After you write the dare or the truth write your initials at the bottom",
"And why is that?",
"Just in case I needed to kill someone at any point,I want to know who is the lost soul",
They stared at her already regretting their lives decisions but nodded and started writing down.

After all was done they mixed the pieces of paper in a bowel placing it in the middle of the circle,
"Okay..who's first?",
"I'll go cowards",
They glared at the disrespectful bunny but let him anyways,
He grabbed the first paper and started reading out loud,
"Dare you to give Taehyung a hickey, M.A".

Taehyung started giggling staring at Jungkook who wiggled his eyebrows at him,
Yoongi let out a small 'ew' and Jimin would have gave him a bewildered expression, like come on he literally leave hickeys on the blomd boys' fuckin thighs.

Tae got up and sat in front of Kook who grabbed his neck and kissed it softly then sucking sounds started to be heard, Tae's breath hitched and he clutched Kook's forearm closing his eyes in pleasure, sliding his tongue against the irritated skin he pulled away pecking Tae's cheek.

"Okay me me me!!",
Jimin grabbed a piece of paper and opened it,
"Are you in love with someone?
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), K.T.H"
He glared at Tae for a moment then sighed,
"Yes I'm",
"Well who the fuck is he??",
Jimin smirked at Tae,
"That's another question bitch",
Tae groaned and pouted at him,
"Jin hyung come on",
Jin nodded at Hobi and grabbed a paper,
"What are your kinks? M.A",
They stared at Army,
"What? I'm curious cause his relation with Joon oppa is so secretive",
Jin sighed and giggled,
"Well....I like...handcuffs, blindfold, and spanking, happy now?",
"Wait...no daddy kink??"
"What the fuck Hoseok?!",
"Yoongi you next!".

Yoongi nodded and picked a paper,
"Eat two raw eggs, J.J.K",
Yoongi looked at Kook who was snickering,
"You little shitty fetus!!",
Kook's laughter died and glared at Yoongi who got up, grabbed two eggs from the fridge mixing them in a glass then closed his eyes, pinched his nose and drank it. his face expression was priceless.

They all laughed and Yoongi went back next to Jimin with his middle fingers raised high in the air to everyone,
Hoseok smiled and grabbed a paper,
"What do you DO with my sis, huh?! M.Y.G",
"Yoongi what the fuck?",
"What? I'm looking out for my lil sis",
Army flicked him and pouted at Hobi,
"Well...nothing much actually...just make out and things like that",
Army nodded with a glare at Yoongi,
"Wait..I've a paper there asking how many time have you done it, so you actually never did it??",
Hoseok nodded and Army huffed,
"We agreed on saving my fuckin first time to after marrige, motherfuckers".

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