26-You did it love

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Jimin p.o.v

"Okay hyung I know all of this but you know I need to go to the hospital too, it's almost six now it's my time with Yoongi and I can't ignore him lik-",
"Okaaaaay okay that's fine I'm gonna ask Joonie, take care Chim",
"Thanks Jin hyung, you too".

I hung up and turned to my desk picking up my belongings calling it a day and deciding it's time to visit my husband, I smile to myself whenever I call him that,
Basically we are married but he didn't say his vows verbally,
Do I give a shit?
We are a married couple in love...

I closed the door of my office and greeted my colleagues on my way out of the company building, most of them are Americans and they helped me a lot to improve my language, they were kind to me and some of the girls around were so eager to help me adapt to the company secretly hoping for me to ask them out or something,
They didn't act bad nor ignore me after they knew I'm gay,
They sympathized with my story and Yoongi and they always ask me about his health condition..

I took out my phone feeling it vibrating in my pocket,
It was doctor Byun..
That's strange...
I wanted to answer but I was already on my way to the hospital anyway so I ignored the phone call and he didn't call again so that means it's not urgent, right?

I walked slowly trying to shake off the lingering sadness from yesterday, when I felt a slight press of Yoongi's lips against mine, it gave me so much hope and happiness...
Only to get crashed that it was only my imagination..

"When are you coming back Yoongi?...I miss you love",
I whispered lowly to myself once I reached the hospital doors.

I entered and smiled at the receptionist, she stared at me for a second before her smile broke off so wide, I frowned at her in confusion,
What is she so happy about?
"Mister Park!! Go in to Mister Min's room, come on come on gooooo",
The hell??

I nodded at her smiling slightly as her smile widened creeping me out,
I walked through the same familiar corridors and my confusion only increased, each and every doctor that I would meet and greet like usual would smile at me so wide with extra happiness, two nurses winked at me,
I'm starting to feel uneasy here...

I fastened my steps not wanting to meet anyone now on the way and just wanna see my Yoonie, reaching his white door I knocked and opened it slowly, I entered and noticed three nurses surrounding Yoongi's bed, I frowned slightly and looked around noticing doctor Byun and doctor Sam talking together excitedly while glancing at Yoongi's bed that I was still unable to see because of the nursed hovering over it from my side.

I cleared my throat and everyone turned to me,
"Good evening everyone",
No one answered, but... I think I heard a small gasp from the nurses?But they had the same creepy wide smile,
"I think we should leave mister Park have a private moment with mister Min, come on everyone let's go".

I frowned even more and watched them all leaving one by one ignoring the wink doctor Sam gave me , then shrugged and turned around to look at Yoongi sleeping peacefully in his bed like usual..
He wasn't....

My body froze, my heart seemed to stop, my eyes widened along my mouth, all the air was punched out of my lungs...

Right in front of me was Yoongi... Sitting up on the bed, weak smile on his thin lips...
Eyes opened...

Time seemed to stop, I could hear nothing, I can't think, I can't breathe...

He raised his hand slowly and made a small wave, my chest tightened and my sight got blurry, he opened his arms wide and stared at me warmly,
Before I knew it my legs were walking shakily to his bed, a choked sob erupted from my chest and I threw my arms around him sobbing loudly.

This...this must be a dream...
Yoongi is hugging me... His arms are squeezing me,
My whimper was muffled in his hospital clothes but he heard it cause his arms tightened more around me and a shaky hand patted my hair.

I cried loudly to his chest and I felt his chest vibrating too, he was crying...

We stayed like this silently hugging each other, no one said anything, no one moved, I was still processing it, I'm still waiting for my eyes to open to find myself in my room and that this all is just another dream...

But it didn't, an hour passed and I still didn't wake up, an hour passed and he is still here, hugging me and pressing soft weak kisses to the top of my head, an hour passed and I can still hear his sigh here and there...

I backed away slightly to stare at his face, his brown warm eyes were red with crying but they still held the same love and warmth, his thin lips were pale but he was smiling, his face showed his weakness and tired state, small curves here and there that showed his thirty's face that barely changed from his twenty's...

His arms let go of my waist and went slow to my face, his pale cold hands cupped my cheeks and pulled me toward his smiling face, I fought the tears and closed my eyes....

His lips pressed against mine for the first time in five years, his lips moved against mine for the first time in five years, and I couldn't fight my tears anymore, I couldn't stop the small chocked sound that erupted in my throat, but his lips pressed harder as if to calm me down and I pressed back just as hard to show him how much I missed him, to show how long I've been longing for him....

We broke off the kiss and we both had tears down our cheeks but we were smiling, I nuzzled our noses together and rested my forehead on against his letting out a shaky breath,
"You found the way back jagiya... You did it love".



I missed you all 😭❤

Love you 🥺❤

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