Chapter 64 Part 4

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{Demi's POV}

A few weeks go by and Colin and the kids are coming to the show tomorrow night. We picked some random spot to meet up at so that they can ride with us to our next tour location. A few weeks feels like an eternity when is on tour and away from my babies. Cay'Lyn has tolerated being on the road a lot better than I thought. She's had her moments where she's being a pouty pants and wanting her dad, and then when I say, "okay. I'll fly you out to daddy tomorrow," she says no. But she does miss her sisters and brother, especially Cayleigh. She's definitely feeling separation anxiety, but she just doesn't know that it's called that. We finally come to a stop. "Are we here?" I ask the driver. "Yes ma'am. But I don't see anyone out here yet." "Okay." About 15 minutes go by and the driver calls my name. "Ms. Lovato." "Yes?" "They're here." "They're here baby." "Yay." We walk off the bus. Colin's getting the kids out of the car. "Daddyyyyyy!!!" Cay'Lyn says running towards her dad, and running right past her sisters and brother. But they do the same, running past her and calling for me. I bend down and let them run into my arms. "Hi babies." I even she'd a tear because I'm so happy to see them. Colin walks over carrying Cay'Lyn. He puts her down next to the kids. I'm immediately greeted by a kiss. "Hi baby." I say as he rests his nose on top of mine." "Hey beautiful." "I missed you." "I missed you more." "Hey, I thought you missed me more." Cay'Lyn whines to him. "I do sweetie. I missed you both." We load up on the bus, and Colin grabs their bags out of the car. "I'm excited for you guys to be here." "I'm excited too mommy. I missed you." Cayleigh said. "I missed you too...Cali did you miss mommy?" "Yessssss." "What about you CJ. Did you miss mama?" "Miss you." He says. Colin walks on to the bus and we get back on the road to head to the next city.

{Colin's POV}

I bring the bags to the back of the bus where the room is. "So umm...there's one bed...where are all the kids gonna sleep?" I ask. "With us of course." "But I'm's been weeks." "I know how long it's been. You don't think it's effecting me too. I've bee sexually frustrated since I left." I look out the door of the room and the kids are into the TV. I shut the door and lock it. "We got about....6 minutes until they get curious and start knockin on the door." I say dropping my pants and briefs. "You don't have to tell me twice." She says getting undressed...damn near falling trying to get out of her jeans and I catch her. "Damn clumsy ass." She lets out one of her loud laughs. "Shhhh you gone draw attention." "You shhh" she says pushing me on the bed then climbs on top of me. I aggressively flip us over. With no hesitation, I slide inside. "Mmmmmm" she softly moans as I do so. "Shhhhhhhh." I whisper into her ear as I give her slow deep thrusts. "I can't help it baby, it feels so good." I crash my lips into hers to prevent her moans from getting louder. She bites the shit out of my lip, but it was a pleasurable pain. It let me know I'm doin my job right. I speed up to speed along this process before the kids come knocking. We finish our little quickie, and Demi hops in the shower afterwards. I go out with the kids. She comes out after her shower and sits next to me. "So any news yet regarding a new contract?" "It's still being discussed. Hopefully they can reach an agreement soon. I'm tired of waiting. I mean they need to let me know if I'm staying in the bay or not...that way I can prepare us for a move if necessary." "Have you just thought that maybe you should just retire. You've played for 9 have all the money in the world..." "You serious? I don't play football because of the money. I play because I love it and I'm good at it." "That's not what I meant." "Well I don't know what you meant, and don't care. I'm gonna at least play another 7 or 8 years." "Okay...well hopefully they work something out." "I hope so too."

I can't believe she suggested that I should retire. I'm no where near finished. I I know I can get more rings. I know I can be more successful. I wanna continue to build my legacy, and end up in the hall of fame. It'll happen, but I'm not gonna put too much thought into, I'm just gonna take it season by season and let it come to me. While on the phone, I get a call from my agent. "I'll be back. I gotta take this call." "Who is it?" "Jay." I get up and go to the back of the bus. "What's up Jay?" "I got some good news for you buddy. I just got you a 7 year deal with the niners. You're not going anywhere." He says that and I almost lose my mind. "It's gonna be kind of identical to your last big contract. Still team friendly, so that it leaves space to other players." "Man that's fine. I've done more than prove myself, and I'm all for earning ever bit of my money as I did before. You the man Jay. You really are. Thank you." "No problem. Enjoy the time with your family, and the contract should be ready when you get back." "Cool. See you in a few days." Once I hang up, Demi walks in. "Everything okay?" Yeah...I got another deal with the niners. we're not goin anywhere." "Baby that great." She says walking into my arms and I hug her tightly. "I'm so proud of you." I never get tired of hearing her tell me that. "Thank you." "Sorry about what I said before." "It's okay." "So when do you sign the contract." "In a few days...think you can take leave the tour life for a few hours and be by my side when it happens." ".....if I don't have a show that day...then yes." "What about if you do have a show?" "I don't know..." I nod. "Well lets not worry about that now. I wanna enjoy this time with you, and the kids and be together as a family." "I definitely agree. We need to find something to do once we arrive in the city." "We need to find a pool or something. It's hot as hell outside." "I'll look for one. We go back to the front of the bus, and their eyes still glued to the TV. This is the calmest I've ever seen them, but we're not gonna disrupt them.

A few days go by and the kids and I are leaving back for San Francisco. We were able to travel to a couple cities and see the shows there, but I have to get back. Cay'Lyn decided she wanted to come back with us, and she's gonna start going to practices with her sister now. The bus takes us to the airport, and we're flying private, so it pulls up close to the plane. Demi walks onto the plane with us to give all the kids hugs and kisses then I walk her back to the bus. "Wish you we're coming. It would be nice to have you there with me." "You're really trying to make me feel bad about this aren't you." "I'm not trynna make you feel bad. I just think you should be there you know." "Well I'm sorry. I don't know what else you want me to say." "You don't have to say anything really." "Colin...stop being like's kinda childish." "You serious right now? All I'm askin is for you to be there. That's it. Then as soon as I'm done, you can bounce." "And you know that I have obligations...just as you do. You're not here at every single concert for me are you? No. You stay in San Francisco, train, and take care of the kids. I thought we would be used to this by now." "Whatever. Have show tomorrow." I say then give her a kiss on the cheek. "Colin." She calls as I walk away, but I ignore her. I get back on the plane and get the kids all buckled up and ready for take off. "Daddy...when is mommy finally coming home?" Cayleigh asks as I get her buckled up. "Soon Cayleigh bug." After getting everyone strapped in, I get buckled up. Pilot comes and make sure we're all good, and we're ready for take off. Once we get home, I get them all bathed and in bed. The next day, I decide to take them with me instead of leaving them with the nanny that we hardly ever use anymore. I get them all decked out in niners gear. I'm kinda hoping that Demi would just pop up because we're both good for surprising each other, but she doesn't, but I have my kids by my side though. There's camera's flashing as I do it. After signing, taking pictures, I have to do a press conference then take the kids home because they're getting tired.

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