Chapter 27 Part 4

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A few days go by and it's the day of the party. Everything's already set up. The people we've invited have shown up. I'm so glad that people who live in LA flew to San Francisco just for their party. Colin's in the back yard with everyone while me and Dallas get the girls ready. She picked out their outfits with me and in typical Dallas fashion, of course the colors would be very bright. They both have a pink and purple tutu..that Dallas made. Cay'Lyn has pink leggings and Cayleigh has purple. Same color shirt, but it has their name on the sleeve so people will know which twin is which, a headband with a bow and sparkly shoes. I really didn't have much of a say, I just let Dallas do the work and I nodded in agreement. "You girls look so pretty." I say. They smile. "You're welcome." Dallas says. "Thank you." I say. We head downstairs and to the back yard. They walk straight to their daddy. He bends down and they walk into his arms. I walk over to them. Both of our moms want to take pictures of us with the girls, and they get to a point to where they're over taking pictures and they wanna be let down. Colin lets them down and we go to the moonwalk I got. I got it mainly for my entertainment, but I'm sure the twins will have fun with it too. We go get in it, his nephew Eziekiel, and Sarah..a really good friend of the family's daughter Nyah who I consider to be a niece. It's just me and the kids for a while then we get out to eat. Being the big kid that I am, after eating, I grab Colin and we both go jump. "I'm too big to be in this thing." Colin says. "You are. But who cares." I take a video of us jumping and acting like children. Later it's time to sing Happy Birthday. Everyone gathers around the table and we sit the girls in front of the cake. We sing and with a little help from mommy and daddy, they blow out the candles. Cay'Lyn takes some of the cake and feeds Cayleigh. It's so cute. Everyone awes and takes pictures. Once the party is over, everyone helps clean and head to their hotels. The twins get baths and fall asleep.

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