Chapter 47 Part 1

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{Demi's POV}
"On second thought...I'm good...I really just don't wanna risk anything. I can wait another 4 months." I nod. He lays next to me, lays his head on my chest and gently rubs my stomach and he falls asleep. I don't fall asleep till about 1 in the morning and wake up with Colin still cuddled up to me. I gently rub his head and give him a kiss. He starts moving. He looks up at me. "Morning beautiful." "Morning" I say then smile. He lays his head back on my chest and holds me closer. Soon, I hear little footsteps. I look over my shoulder towards the door and the girls are making their way towards the bed. "Hey babies." I say. Colin turns around and helps them onto the bed. "Did y'all get out of bed on your own?" Colin asks. They nod. "Oh boy. We better start putting one of those gate things by the stairs." He says. "I agree." They sit in the middle of us. "Sister is in there" Cay'Lyn asks. "Mhhmm" I say nodding my head. "How?" "How what?" "How sister get in your belly?" "Ummmmm..." I say then look at Colin. He doesn't know what to say either. "she got there by magic" "that's the best you could come up with?" Colin asks. "I don't see you giving any answers." "When is she coming?" Cayleigh asks. "Soon baby girl." "That's the baby mama." She says rubbing my stomach. "You're still my baby too. Both of you." I say then tickle them, making them laugh really loud. "mommy...stooopppp!" Cayleigh says. "Okay." Colin gets up, walks out of the room and comes back with pull ups, wipes and tooth brushes. He changes them and they go to our restroom. I get up and go to the bathroom and the three of them are brushing their teeth. I join them. Colin takes a picture of us brushing then takes one when we're finished and we're smiling really hard, showing our pearly white teeth. He sends them to me, I make a collage and post it. "We like to do a lot of things as a family...brushing our teeth is one of them. Can't wait for baby number three to join us in our shananagans! #PearlyWhites #WereKindaWeird

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