Chapter 3 Part 2

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After the interview I head back to my hotel to pack. I'm gonna catch a plane to San Francisco to surprise Colin and spend a day with him before I have to go back to LA. I haven't seen him in almost 2 weeks, so this little visit is a must. Me and my team get to the hotel, pack and head to the airport. The flight was 4 almost 5 hours so when I get there it's in the middle of the night. There are fans in the airport. I wave to all of them, but I don't sign any autographs. I get to the truck that's gonna take me home. I get there and it feels weird to be here. I've been on tour, then me and Colin spent the majority of our summer in LA, so it's been a while since I've been here. It's been completely empty in this house too. Sammy's in Turlock with his family, and Oliver's in Dallas being taken care of with the rest of our dogs. I try to come in the door as quiet as I can, because I'm sure he's sleep. I go upstairs turn on the lamp, strip down to my panties and bra and quietly get in bed. "Babe." I say scooting closer to him. He slowly opens his eyes and he looks confused. "Demi?" "No it's the Easter bunny." I say then giggle. "What are you doin here." He says sitting up. "I thought I'd surprise you.......surprise." He smiles. "Well I'm surprised. I wasn't expecting to see you for another few days." "I couldn't wait that long." "I'm glad you didn't." He says pulling me close to him. He ends up falling back to sleep. I know he has training camp later so I don't bother him. I can't sleep because I slept on the plane, so I just lay there, and I eventually get tired. I wake up and he's not there. I make some cereal and wait till he comes home. A few hours later he walks in the door and comes sit next to me. "Hey love." I say. "Hey beautiful.." He says and stares at me. "Why are you staring at me." "Cause you so beautiful." "Awww come here." I say holding my arms out and he lays his head on my lap. We stay like this all day and watch TV. We don't have to go out and do things, just being in each others presence is good enough.

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