Chapter 46 Part 1

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{Colin's POV}
After the game I take a quick shower and go meet up with my family. I get congratulations for both the win and the news about having another baby. I don't stay around long because I have to do a press conference. "You and the girl's gonna stay here and wait, or just head home." I ask. "I think we're gonna head home. The game kinda wore the girls out." "Okay. Well I love you, and I'll be home soon." She nods and I give her and the girls a kiss. I say bye to my parents and go to do my press conference. I walk up to the podium and stand there and wait for them to start asking questions. I answer the only way I know how. Short and simple. Wen it comes to interviews like this, I like to keep it that way so none of my words get twisted or interpreted the wrong way. I'm always criticized about it, but it's what works best for me. "Can you take us through the game winning play." "Uh...just saw an opening and decided to take it in." "And your celebration afterwards?" I look down and smile. "great things are happening in my life, I can't help but share it." "Alright thanks Kap." I step down from the podium and head back to the locker room. I grab my bags and leave. I get home and the girls are already in bed. I give them kisses and go to the room. Demi's in bed watching TV. I strip to my briefs and join her. "You did so good today." "Thank you. Still some things that need to be perfect. We almost lost." "But you didn't." "I know. But still..I hate being in those situations." She rests her head on my chest. I give her a kiss on the forehead. Soon I fall asleep.

A FEW DAYS go by and we just dropped the girls off at Dallas' and head to the doctors appointment. We get there, Demi checks in and they call her back. It's the same doctor she had with the twins. He asks her a couple questions the puts the gel on and puts the probe thing on her stomach. "And there it is..." "Just one...not two. I don't think I can handle another set of twins." I say. "Me either." He laughs. "There's only one." We finish up, he prints the pictures and gives a due date of August 10th.

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