Chapter 31 Part 1

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We lay there in bed for a few minutes till we catch our breath. "Are you tired?" She asks. "Surprisingly no." "Good. Cause there's one more thing I wanna do." "What?" "Well...let's take a shower, then we can head downstairs." "Okay." I say. We get up, shower, I put on my boxers and she goes to her closet, and comes back out in a brown onesie, that has hood with bear ears and has a matching one in her hand. "Here." She says handing it to me. "What you want me to do with this?" I ask. "Put it on." "I told you...I don't do onesies. I don't even know why you bought me one." "Come on. It takes a real man to wear one of these.....Don't be a pussy." "You know I hate when you call me that." I sigh. "Fine. Gimmie this damn thing." She gets a head start downstairs and I put on the onesies. I take off my boxers..there's no way I'm wearing this hot ass thing with boxers on. I change and go downstairs, and she's not in the living room. I go to the game room, she's not in there, next room I can't think of is the theater room. She's in there picking out a movie to watch. "Hey." She looks at me and giggles. " look so adorable!" Then she looks down. "You're not wearing boxers are you?" "Nope." "I can tell." "Not tryna hide it." "Didn't say you were trying I have no idea what to watch." "Here..I'll pick one." I say grabbing the tablet that's linked to the screen. I pick Think Like a Man. I dim the lights and go sit next to her. She hands me a couple of boxes of sour patch kids. "You're spoiling me." I say. "You deserve it." She says then gives me a kiss. "Put your hood on." She says holding out your phone. I put it on and cover my face. "Babyyyyyy!" She wines. I look and smile. She posts it and I screenshot it and post it on my Instagram. "Doing some late night celebrating with the Mrs...movies and sour patch kids; my kinda night. Bet y'all wish you had a wife like mine. I love you baby❤💛🐻 P.S. Don't hate on my onesie cause you can't rock it like I can. #/Se7enPounds #/WhoDoYouLove #/IDontGetTired"

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