Chapter 36 Part 2

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A few weeks go by and I've had to adjust to being both parents. It's not all that hard, just the only thing that was difficult was when it came time to do the girls hair. When their hair was short and they would be with me for the day, I'd just out a headband on them and boom they'd be fine. Now their hair has grown a little more and I didn't know what to I took them to Dallas...and I have to keep taking them to her, because she can do it better than I can. Cay'Lyn however isn't taking Demi being away too well. She constantly asks for her and she cries a lot more now when it comes to not getting her way. Cayleigh's gotten used to it. But being the quiet one is who she is. Demi's gonna be in Paris soon, and I really wanna fly out there and surprise her, because I feel that Paris is kinda special, considering I asked her to marry me while we were there. I just don't know if I'm gonna bring the girls. I've already planned a trip for us to go to her last show and I want this first visit to be a romantic one. I can't be romantic with them two running around, but I know she really wants to see them.
{Demi's POV}
Tour has been going so well. I did not expect for this great of a turn out. I've sold out majority of the shows I've played. To know that over this long break I've taken, my fans are still here, and I've even gained new fans from my most recent album. Even though tour is great I've been dying with out my girls. I just FaceTimed them before I go to bed and it just isn't good enough. This is the first time I've ever been away from them for this long. I miss Colin just as much. I just feel so lonely at night. I miss his love. No one can ever make me feel the way he does. It's just something about him that keeps me wanting more, so needless to say, I'm a little sexually frustrated right now. Our FaceTime sex sessions aren't doing me any good. I just wish he'd appear out of no where and make love to me, but it's not gonna happen. Soon I fall asleep because I have a long day tomorrow.

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