The start of it All part 2.

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(Jack POV)

Chyna and I walk into the restaurant after I parked the red mustang that I had since I was 19. I opened the door for her and let her walk in first and she kind of wobbled into the restaurant reminded me of a cute penguin. She was wearing a black dress with a silver necklace and black heels. Her hair was curly and brown and pulled to the side brushing the shoulders of her tan skin.

I walked to the hostess who an older lady with salt and pepper hair with big glasses to tell her out the reservation.

She smiled asking "name," she said in a nasal voice and I said "Jack Harlow" and she typed some keys and said "reservation for 8:30?" with looking at me and I nodded my head.

She took two menus and said "follow me" and we did with my hand on Chyna's back to help support her as she walked.

We sat down at a booth with green seats and a wooden table then the hostess sat our menus down and she looked at Chyna. The hostess's eyes got big and she adjusted her glasses.

"Oh, honey you look ready to pop how far along are you?" She asked Chyna.

Chyna shifted uncomfortably in her seat and responded.

"Six months," she said in a firm voice and then looked at me. The hostess looked at me as well kind of scrutinizing.

"You are the daddy to be?" she asked me then Chyna interrupted before I could say anything.

"Could you please go get us a waiter or waitress we came here to eat not chit-chat" Chyna said in a mean way to the hostess who left right away.

I grabbed Chyna's hand from across the table that was being hit by the harsh white light hanging from the ceiling over us.

"You okay my Chyna Doll," I said caressing her hand and she held on to mine smiling.

"Yes honey it is just I am stressed at the moment," she said and looked out the window next to us. Just then a waitress walked over to us to get our order. I got a Penn Pasta with red sauce and chicken while Chyna got a house salad with lasagna. Our main courses at the restaurant were delightful the whole time through dinner me and Chyna were holding hands laughing and even shared a few kisses.

We order dessert and I touched the small box in the inner pocket of my black suit. I then noticed it started to rain outside which set the mood perfectly for the night. The waitress came back with my tiramisu slice and Chyna carrot cake slice. I saw Chyna digging into her cake in earnest and thought this was the moment.

I took the black box out of the pocket in my suit jacket and got down on one knee. She was still eating that cake so I rubbed her knee.

"Chyna doll," I said to her and she looked at me with her mouth full of cake then hurriedly swallow. Her eyes got big and she sat there speechless.

"My beautiful Chyna Doll I know this is sudden but I feel like this is the right time and I do not want to spend any more of my days as not your husband. I remember when we met four years ago in that Physics class and I could not stop looking away from you I found you out of all the girls in that class to be the most beautiful and those green eyes of yours was like gems I could not look away from. I felt a pull to you that I could not ignore and I'm glad I did not. I was able to find the true happiness that I have been looking for for a long time."

I then opened the small black box to open a princess cut diamond ring.

"Now will you give me the honor of being my wife and me being your husband?" I said to her with pleading eyes and a smile. Chyna was speechless and then out of nowhere, she jumped up with her heels off her feet.

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