I want to forget

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(Third person POV)


Elena woke up to a bright sun and a huge headache. She sat up to look at the person next to her. No, this didn't happen, I didn't sleep with him. Elena looked around for the undergarments and clothes. She must have been drunk out of her mind to sleep with this man. Yes, she thought that this person was attractive but very troubled. She put on the panties found under the table. Where is my bra? Elena thought. She saw him move around on the floor. Deciding to forget the bra and tiptoe to the long red dress to cover up was fast thinking on Elena's part. She was about to zipper the dress when a voice stopped her.

"Let me do it." Warm hands glide the zipper up the tan back as Elena stood still. The hands wrap around Elena's waist for affection. She slapped the hands away.

"What's wrong with you?" She turned to him from the question. J looked confused.

"This the plan? to fuck the weak doppelganger human?!?!" she shouted in his face. J tried to respond to the outburst. The only thing that came out was laughter. Elena started to become angry that she smacked him hard in the face.

"This shouldn't have been done! take me back!" she walked past him to go to the lower deck of the ship. He zooms in front of Elena with a red face.

"Admit it! you wanted it to happen!" she tries to walk around him. He grabbed the wrist of the brunette.

"Am I wrong? huh, am I fucking wrong in every moan and cum draining for five hours straight?" Elena looked down at the floor in agitation at his words. She does not want him. She does not want him.

"I was drunk and last night was a mistake. Take me back to the island or I will swim back there." He looked deep into her eyes to find a hint of a lie, all there was..... regret.

"Message received." He sped to the wheel to sit behind it. J wanted to break the wheel in half and force the truth from Elena. He felt like it was a lie. Even if she was drunk, she wanted him. J wanted her. He turns the boat in the right direction to the island. J will only leave this seat once during this whole ride, only to walk up the dock to his room on the island. Elena sat at the table that had two wine glasses on it. She threw them into the ocean to contain this unknown feeling in her. The ocean is a peaceful curve of waves that Elena wishes to drown in at the moment. Both parties had been affected by last night's events.


Once the boat docked at the bay, Elena was the first to step off to try to distance herself from J. She carried the black high heels to run into the house when he stopped her.

"Elena, please, let me talk to you." She looked up at him with tired eyes and a frown.

"There is nothing left to say." She said trying to walk around him. J grabbed her arm.

"I won't forget this, hopefully, it comes back." He let go of the doppelgänger's arm to tie the boat to the dock. Elena ran into the house on a mission to shower and sleep. She slammed the door to run up the stairs to the comfort of the room.

"Elena? is that you?" Bonnie asked poking out ahead to capture a figure disappearing around the corner. Elena heard Bonnie calling out to her but decided to ignore the witch from the embarrassment of possibly finding out from a touch about the night on the sea with Mr. J that she can hardly remember.

The shower water turns to the hottest temperature to not see herself in the glass shower door. Steam floated around the slender body as soap cautiously roamed over body parts. The face washed away the romantic kisses and words. The hands soaped up the removal of touching that big hard cock. The tone legs let the hot water remove the burn of needing him to go faster.

 Breasts stood under the hot water as Elena touched the tender slit between her legs that held his cum, spit and the ache of being pounded repeatedly. Funnily, every touch to these parts brings a snippet from the night between them. Elena hangs her head under the hot water to make them stop from tightly shut eyes.


Bonnie knocked on Caroline's door in concern about something.

"Come in!" The blonde yelled to the witch. Bonnie walked inside of the room to press her back against it.

"Bonnie, what's wrong?" Caroline asked walking towards the witch. Bonnie started to hyperventilate a little.

"Care, this place.... it is not safe for us. Any of us."

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