The Arrival

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(Elena's POV)

On the intercom, the captain spoke about the arrival at the airport.

"If you look on your left, you can see the vast ocean surrounding the island." I look through the small window to see the sun shining in the sky over a long stretch of blue water.

 I heard someone grunt in pain near me. I turned to see Caroline waking up.

"Ugh, my head hurts," she said in pain. Caroline opened her eyes to look at me then Bonnie.

"Oh, I remember. Bonnie hit me with a brain witchy thing. Thanks a lot." She said angrily to the witch. Bonnie crossed her arms.

"I'm sorry, didn't you try to choke the flight attendant?" She shoots out. Caroline slammed her hands in the chair.

"I wanted to protect us." She defended. I feel like a mouse stuck between two cats. I can try to exit without feeling the claws.

"Guys..." I tried to input this argument.

"Good job," Bonnie said sarcastically. Caroline pursed her lips.

"What is your problem? I am coming here to support you." Caroline grabbed the bottle of water in front of her. Bonnie let out a cruel little laugh.

"A bad mistake." Bonnie spat. Caroline stopped the bottle at her lips.

"That's it." Caroline unbuckles the seat belt to go after Bonnie. I stood up between them to stop this fight.

"Stop it! What is the matter with both of you? We are almost to the island and you guys are acting childish." I gave them both disappointed looks. Caroline sat back down and turn her back on us. Bonnie grabbed my arm.

"Thank you for being civilized, Lena." I gave her a small smile before returning to my seat. This was supposed to be a good time for us to be free among ourselves. It seems like everything will be tense for a while.

(Omniscient POV)

When they arrived at the airport, everything was tense between the three women. The walk down the dock to the boat filled with their luggage made Elena walk in the middle. Bonnie boarded the plane first, then Elena, and lastly, Caroline. The boat ride was quiet from small talk. Waves hitting the side of the boat keep things cool for a while. Once the boat arrived at the big mansion, A man wearing a suit is standing on the dock. He has dark brown skin and a bright smile. The trio steps off the boat to approach the man.

"Hello! Bonnie Bennett and friends! The host is waiting inside the mansion. Please, follow me this way." They walk cautiously behind the man to finally meet Mr. J. Bonnie is sweating from the heat and nerves.

 Elena looks around at the plants, sky, and water. Caroline followed behind in an attitude that can only be relaxed by alcohol. The doors open to a spiral staircase that is covered in wooden steps. The walls were an eggshell white and the living room had a big couch for more than 4.

"My name is Santiago, bags will be put in your room accordingly. The master is outback." He pointed to a back door before leaving the ladies by the front door. Six sets of eyes look towards the back door. No one took a step forward.

"Oh fuck it." Caroline finally step forward to walk out the backdoor. Elena ran after her with Bonnie on her heels. Strong clothes back stood in the middle of the grassy backyard.

"Ladies, finally, you arrive on the island. Let's give proper introductions." The handsome man turns around to them. The ladies became speechless at the sight of the man.

"I am Mr. J." He said smirking at them. Jack walks a little closer to them.

"Cat got your tongues?" he asked smoothly. Blue eyes turn to the town witch of Mystic Falls.

"Bonnie Bennett, we finally meet. I hope my appearance does not scare you." She shook her head.

"No, I just thought you would be....." Jack cut her off with one word.

"Older." He purred in her ear. Jack gave a mock gasp.

"The doppelgänger and vampire. I heard things through the supernatural network." He said looking at both of them.

"What things?" Caroline asked. Jack gave a small smile.

"Do not worry your pretty blonde head." he moved a piece of hair out of her face that Caroline smacked away.

"Don't touch me," Caroline said irritated. The blonde vampire turned to Bonnie and Elena.

"I am done with introductions and need a drink." she walked away from them and snatched Jack's favorite whiskey off the table.

"Wow, she seems like a sour patch." Jack laughed at the blonde's exit. Elena tried to make up an excuse.

"She is not feeling good. It was nice meeting you." she blurted out before running after the mad vampire. Bonnie was shocked that they left her alone with him.

"Care for a walk?" He held out a hand to her. Bonnie was hesitant about going anywhere alone with this man but she took a risk in flying here.

"Sure," she said walking in front of him to the woods. He zooms in front of her to lead, Bonnie down a nice trail.

"Please, slow down, I am only in boots." Jack scoffed at her.

"We are almost there." He said turning to her. In ten minutes, they finally reach a waterfall with a soft patch of grass near it.

"Sit, you must be jet-lagged." The witch sat down on the patch as the man stood in front of her.

"Talk, I need information." She said stretching her legs out. Jack pulled some grass up from the root.

"Easy, we got all night," he said smoothly to the witch.

"No, you only have five minutes. Stop stalling." He threw the grass into the waterfall to give his attention to Bonnie.

"The weapon you seek is near." Bonnie leaned closer to him.

"Tell me, more." Determine eyes wanted him to continue.

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