Traveling to Aruba (part 2)

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"This hot coffee was a good idea," Elena said drinking the hot liquid. It was 55 degrees in Mystic falls as the three young women waited for the limo to arrive. Bonnie checked her phone for the time. 7:30 am on the dot. Where is this limo? She thought out loud.

"I was thinking the same thing," Caroline said leaning against her luggage. A black limo turns the corner to park in front of them. The driver came out of the car.

"My apologies, I was having car troubles this morning." He said opening the trunk.

"It is okay." Bonnie gave him two blue suitcases. Caroline approached him with red luggage.

"Why didn't you call?" She asked tilting a blonde head to the side.

"My phone died. It is charging in the car now." Elena walked up to the blonde. She had green luggage for the trip.

"Caroline, he is here." She said. Elena gave him the luggage with a smile. The girls enter the limo as the driver figured out how to fit the luggage in the trunk.

"God! I am dead tired." Caroline said against the window.

"Here, here," Elena said. The coffee cup in her hand is now lukewarm.

Bonnie sat in the middle texting on her phone.

"Who are you texting?" Caroline tried to look at Bonnie's phone. The witch put the phone away from prying eyes.

"I was just updating the mysterious host." She said exhaling. Elena leaned closer to Bonnie. She enjoyed the warmth of the body heat.

"Bonnie, do you really think "J" is telling the truth? What if it's a trap?" Elena said as the trunk slammed. The limo driver got behind the wheel to put the car in drive.

"We will have to see," Bonnie said rubbing Elena's shoulder. Caroline watched the scene with a little envy. She directed her attention to the passing houses of Mystic Falls.

The three passed the time in small talk and laughter. Eventually, they all fall asleep in the limo. The sun begins to rise over their faces as the day goes on.




Both of them woke up from the voice of Elena. They opened their eyes to find their surroundings, changed. Bonnie tried to get up but was restrained by a seatbelt.

"How did we get on the plane?" Caroline asked. A stewardess came to the three girls with a smile.

"Hello ladies, we are halfway done with the trip. Would you like water, cookies,....." Caroline jumped out of her seat. She wrapped her hand around the lady's neck.

"I asked a question! How did we get on a plane?" Caroline tightens her hand around the stewardess's neck. Elena tries to make Caroline stop. Bonnie gives Caroline a small aneurysm.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Caroline fell to her knees in pain. The stewardess rubbed her neck as a red ring appeared on her throat.

"Sorry, Care." Bonnie stopped using her powers. Elena checked on Caroline.

"Bonnie, Caroline passed out." She said crouching over the blonde vampire. Bonnie turned to the stewardess.

"You gonna answer her question?" The witch asked. Bonnie stood up to walk over to the stewardess.

"Mr. J said there can be no delays. If we are a minute late, he will kill me." She said in a thick accent. The stewardess took a sip of water.

"The driver boarded your luggage and you all on the plane." Bonnie nodded her head. Elena was trying to drag Caroline to a nearby couch. The interior design of the plane was cream and gold. The couch had small throw pillows to contrast with the cream skin on the couch.

"Hey, Elena, we will lift Caroline onto the couch. Grab her arms." Elena grabbed the arms of the blonde. Bonnie grabbed Caroline's legs.

"On three. One, two, three." They quickly threw her on the couch.

"Caroline is gonna be upset if we mess up her hair." Elena moved a few pieces of blonde hair out of the vampire's face.

"She can fix it," Bonnie said. The stewardess approached them with two bottles of water.

"I am sorry about your friend. Will she be okay?" The foreign stewardess was concerned for the blonde vampire.

"No, I am sorry. I was not expecting for her to react like that." Bonnie shook her head at Caroline. Elena grabbed the bottle from the stewardess. She took a sip as the clouds passed by them.

 Bonnie grabbed the water bottle with a smile. She looked out the window to see the sun shining bright. The witch hopes the trip goes smoothly.

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