Traveling to Aruba (Part 1)

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(Jack's Pov)

I am traveling on my private jet to Aruba, holding a glass of scotch. I watch the clouds go past me as I sip the dark liquor. The flight attendant with a blue dress and dark hair approached me.

"Mr. Harlow, we will be arriving in a couple of hours." I let out a breath of relief. This was a very long plane ride. I can not wait to explore Aruba and stretch my limbs.

"Thank you," I said to her. The lady nodded her head and walked away to the front. I decided to travel two days earlier to make sure everything is set. I was not expecting Bonnie to bring along the other two annoying forms of trouble. The blonde Caroline talks so damn much which I remember from the show.

The doppelganger is selfish and not a good friend. I rub the cold glass against my forehead. I hope these ladies do not give me a mega migraine. I should give my mind a rest with a small nap. I swallowed the rest of the liquid and made the glass disappear. My arms are folded over my chest as I drift off with the clouds.


(No one's POV)

"Should I get the orange bikini or yellow bikini?" Caroline asked. Bonnie walked closer to her holding a one-piece bathing suit.

"Orange! It contrasts your eyes and looks good on you." Bonnie smiled at the blonde. Caroline hugged her.

"I knew you would say that." Caroline threw the yellow bikini on the rack and went to try on the orange bikini in the changing room. Bonnie turned to see Elena stuffing through racks of bikinis. The brunette threw her hands up.

"I give up! I am not going!" Bonnie walked towards Elena.

"What is wrong?" Bonnie asked. Elena leaned against the rack.

"I can not find anything! I am getting very frustrated!" Bonnie placed her hands on the doppelganger's shoulders.

"I am gonna help you," she said. Which shuffled through the rack to find a cute blue and black bikini.

"This is cute! I think you should try this on!" Bonnie dangled the bikini in Elena's face. Elena scrunched up her face.

"I am not sure. Maybe I won't go swimming." Elena looked down at her feet. Bonnie clutched her bathing suit close to her.

"You have to try it on first, Lena. Please, give it a try." Elena reluctantly grabbed the bathing suit and walked into a dressing room. The witch was able to help her best friends now, she just needed to try on her bathing suit. Bonnie entered the changing room with high hopes.

"I am guessing we are all in the changing rooms!" Caroline yelled in the changing room.

"Caroline, I am right next to you," Elena said trying on her bikini.

"We are all trying on our bathing suits. I know you both will look great!" Bonnie said trying on the one-piece bathing suit that covers her intimate parts. She turned to the side.

"We should come out on three!" Caroline screamed.

"Agreed," Elena said.

"I guess," Bonnie said slowly still staring at her bathing suit.

Caroline placed her hand on the knob.

"One, two, three!" Caroline and Elena came out of their changing room. They looked at each other with nodding. Someone was missing.

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