Where am I?

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(Jack POV)

I woke up slowly to hear voices near me.

"I should have never snapped his neck I could have made it worse," one voice said and another huffed.

"Maybe we should dagger him until we get a witch to look over him. Did you see that ring of fire?" another voice said and then a loud authoritative voice started to speak and it sounded like a woman.

"No! Niklaus you will not dagger him how will that help him and he has been asleep long enough." The voice said and the person started to caress my hair and I acted like I was still sleeping. The person kissed my head then left and I heard footsteps following her out the room and the voices became murmured.

I opened my eyes to see the room be dimly lit and I sit up figuring out the past events. The actor who played Niklaus's eyes turned yellow and had veins under them just like the show he was on. The fast speed I saw when the blonde Claire holt hugged me and I think she snapped my neck but how am I still alive? I touched my chest to feel my heartbeat slowly which does not confirm anything.

I looked at the window in my room this could be my way to escape! I tiptoed to the window unlocked it then pushed it up. I saw there was no other way to get down than jumping. I could die or break bones but there was something inside me that reassured me. I jumped and landed on the gravel with grace and zoomed surprisingly away from the house and now on an empty road with the moonlight on my path. I heard a car coming towards me and I hid in the woods. It was a silver Toyota and I saw a man driving it from my eyesight. I ran in front of the car and it stopped in front of me. The man got out of the car with blonde hair and an athlete build screaming at me. I walked towards him looking in his eyes with a pleading look.

"I have been kidnapped and I need you to take me to the closest police station near here," I said to him and he copied every word I said then walked back to the driver's seat and I got in the passenger then we zoomed down the road.

We started driving around this small town we were in and I realized I'm not in the big city anymore. The strangest thing I saw was a restaurant that said 'Mystic Grill' which was the restaurant in The Vampire diaries either I'm dead or hallucinating. I asked the driver to stop the car and park somewhere which he did without complaint. I think it's best to ask him some questions about my suspicions.

"What is your name?" I asked him and he said "Evan" in a whispered voice.

"Well, Evan, what is the name of the place we are in?" I said to him hesitantly. He looked at me with a fright.

"Mystic Falls how am I doing everything you say without question?" he said to me and I shrugged my shoulders looking at the people walking past the car.

"How much money do you have on you?" I asked him as I looked out the window.

"I have 100 in cash on me and 10,000 in savings with 3,000 in my checking account." He said without any hesitation to me and I huffed on the window and turn to look at him with a slight smile.

"I am sorry about this but I need you and I can't walk around like this," I said to him as I gestured to myself and him kind of grimace.

"Take me to the nearest mall and you will come in with me to pay for things I need," I said and he repeated then start the car with us driving away.

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