Plan in motion

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Since Evan and I last talked I been on the move currently and gave Evan back the money I promised him and started a bank account in few countries such as France, Germany, and the USA but as of right now I'm stationed in the UK London to be precise. I have advised Evan through our communication to start ingesting vervain can never be too careful. In the last few weeks, I compelled someone to deliver the Mikaelson ring back to the original family themselves to show I was conflicted about my feelings for them. I am sitting on the balcony at my hotel room looking at the view waiting for Evan to message me back.

He has become friends with Bonnie a powerful witch I need on my side for a powerful cloaking spell. I can not go to New Orleans which could make an enemy out of Marcel and mess up the plotline even more. The more I stay out the way the better things can go on. I do not need to be found by the original family which is why I keep moving around and I'm surprised they have not found me yet. I received a few text messages from Evan who I hope has good news.

I hummed with satisfaction ready to start everything and hoping to get that phone call from Bonnie sooner than later

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I hummed with satisfaction ready to start everything and hoping to get that phone call from Bonnie sooner than later. I started to pour myself a glass of red wine and then my phone ranged with an unknown number. I have a feeling it is the little witch.

"Hello," I said into the phone with a smile.

"I got your note how do we kill the originals and where can we find it," Bonnie said to me over the phone in a determined voice.

"Bonnie business first pleasures later you do know for me to give you the details. I have to tell you in person. Now if you are too afraid to meet me that is more of your problem" I said to her as I sip my wine.

"I am listening to you." She said to me.

"I will send you a plane ticket to a remote location in Aruba it is private but there will be other people there to reassure you," I said to her as I pour more wine in my glass.

"I will do it to get rid of Michaelson's and keep my friends safe but if you try to double-cross me you will know you messed with the wrong witch." She said to me and I smirk picking my glass up.

"I do not expect anything less from a Bennett," I said to her then hanged up and went back to the balcony looking at the view of the city.

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