I need a Witch break

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(Bonnie POV)

I am sitting in my last class of the day just bored out of my mind. A lot has happened my boyfriend is talking to his ex-dead ghost girlfriend, my best friend Elena came back from the dead as a vampire, and I'm surprised I haven't cracked yet. The bell ring which signals the last class is over and I got my books to start walking to my locker. I opened my locker to get out my jacket and book bag and as I close it I see Evan who is smiling at me and I jump back.

"Evan you scared me," I said to him with a hand on my chest.

"Hey Bon someone asked me to give this letter to you," he said putting a red envelope in my hands that are sealed. I looked at it with confusion and then back at Evan who was in a daze.

"If you do not open the letter within Twenty four hours I will be killed," he said to me, and then he snapped out of it looking around in the hallway.

"Hey, Bon, how did I get here?" he said with no memory he must have been compelled but who could have done it maybe Klaus?

"You do not remember anything?" I said to him with worried eyes even though we have not been friends for long I feel as though Evan has been there for me more than Caroline and Elena who has been my best friends since we were kids these last few weeks than Caroline and Elena in months.

"I remember coming from the bathroom and someone grabbing me but everything after that been blank," he said to me looking lost I have to make something up.

"You know actually when you came out of the bathroom you collided with someone hitting the floor very hard. I was gonna take you to the nurse but you urged me not to." I said to him trying to get him to believe me. he rubbed the back of his head and nodded with a frown.

"It's crazy how I do not remember that I should go to the nurse before she leaves see ya later Bon," he said to me and walked away to the nurse's office and I hit my back against the lockers sighing looking down at the sealed red envelope in my hands. Can I ever get a break?

I made it home in my car pretty fast entering an empty house. I put my keys on the hook and walked to the living room dropping my book bag then walking to the kitchen for a snack and water. I came back sitting on the couch and eating my snack as I turned the tv on I put on Netflix to watch a funny movie. I was about to select 50 first dates when my phone ranged I looked at the caller Id to see it is Caroline. Should I ignore it or answer it but if I ignore she will either come by or continue calling me. I answered the phone.

"Hey Care," I said to her trying to sound cheerful on the phone.

"Took you long enough to answer anyways what are you doing tonight?" She asked me.

" Just some homework and watching movies why?" I asked her. She started to giggle and I heard shifting on the phone.

"I have decided that it is a Friday and definitely a girl's. I figure with all this craziness around us we deserve a break. I am thinking facials and mani-pedis just like old times!" She said excitedly on the phone and I do know Care will not take a no.

"Yeah, that sounds great!" I said cheerfully and Caroline screeched then say she is gonna call Elena after me but they should be here around 8 pm. We said our goodbyes and hanged up.

I finished my snack and pulled the red envelope and opened it pulling out a white letter folded. I read the letter to myself out loud.

"Hello, Bonnie Bennett,You do not know me but I know you.A strong witch who is never through.You want them gone so do I.
Call my number and I'll make them go bye bye-bye.P.S. definitely mean the Mikaelsons.



I read the letter a second time and wondering who this J could be? How did he know how to get rid of the Mikaelsons? I have noticed the family have been quiet for weeks now even after their stunt on Prank night. I thought about Evan on how I do not call he will die! I picked up my cell phone and dialed the number to have a conversation with this J person.

"Hello," a male voice said to me smoothly.

"I got your note how do we kill the originals and where can we find it". I said to him with seriousness.

"Bonnie business first pleasure later you do know for me to give you the details. I have to tell you in person. Now if you are too afraid to meet me that is more of your problem". He said to me casually.

"I am listening to you," I said to him as I started to walk around my living room talking to him.

"I will send you a plane ticket to a remote location in Aruba it is a private resort but there will be other people there to reassure you," he said to me out of all the places why out of the country and what will I do about classes? This is a tempting offer to put the Mikaelsons down for good.

"I will do it to get rid of Mikaelsons and to keep my friends safe but if you try to double-cross me you will know you messed with the wrong witch," I said to him showing him I will not be taken for granted with his offer. I will set him on fire if he is lying.

"I do not expect anything less from a Bennett," he said to me then hanged up the phone. I sat on my couch with my head in my hands hoping I'm not making the wrong decision by jumping at this.

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