We are not safe here (part 1)

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(No one's pov)

"Whoa, Bonnie, what are you talking about?" Caroline asked the witch that was walking back and forth in front of the bedroom door.

"I had a nightmare surrounding Mr. J, fire, pain, and all of us. I never felt anything like this." Bonnie laid a hand against her abdomen from the remnants of it. A pale hand laid against Bonnie's arm.

"Breath, Bon." Caroline became instantly concerned from the hyperventilating. She pressed Bonnie's back against her chest to help the witch to calm down.

"I got you, I got you," Caroline said kissing Bonnie's hair. Bonnie eventually calm down to whisper to the blonde.

"We need to leave. We have to." She carried Bonnie to bed for comfort.

"I will be back. I am getting Elena for us to have a group chat." Caroline kissed Bonnie's forehead before exiting the room to walk down the hall.

Caroline knocked on the door to Elena's room.

"Elena! are you in there?" Caroline heard shuffling and breathing from the other side.

"Elena, it's Bonnie. She said there is trouble." There was no answer from the other side of the door. Caroline pressed a hand to the door.

"Elena, I can hear the beating of your heart. Please, open the door. It is an emergency." A scraggly voice answered the blonde.

"I can't come out right now." Caroline tried to open the door.

"No!" Caroline flew into the wall that knocked down a few paintings. She lay passed out on the floor as a dark figure loomed over her.


Bonnie jumped up from the bed to loud noise in the hallway. On shaky legs, the witch investigated the noise. The long hallway filled with emptiness and bright lights.

"Caroline!" She shouted walking further down the hall. No one responded to her.

'Maybe she is in Elena's room' Bonnie thought to herself. Bonnie knocked on Elena's door to find out the whereabouts of the Blonde.

"Elena! it's Bonnie. Is Caroline in there?" She laid an ear to the door for a sound even a breath. It was silence. Bonnie twisted the doorknob to open the door but it was locked.

"Fuck!" Bonnie became frustrated from this place and now, a missing Caroline. She needed food. Bonnie walked downstairs to locate the kitchen. It was down another hallway behind a brown swinging door. Bonnie went to work in the kitchen. She decided to make a recipe from grams. It was a dish consisting of fried fish, Mac n cheese, and collard greens. The kitchen filled in the scents of grease, cooked greens, and cheese goodness. Bonnie could not remember the last time that she cooked a homemade dish. This made a smile appear on the light brown face.

"Damn! it smells fucking good in here!" Bonnie turned around to find Mr. J moving around the swirls of aroma. The grease popped Bonnie's hand.

"Ouch!" Mr. J joined Bonnie at the stove to inspect the hand.
"Are you okay?" He asked connecting eyes to the green-brown mixture that drew him in by the minute.

"I am fine!" she recoiled the hand from the mysterious man to flip the fish into the sizzling pan.

"A little grease should not make a powerful witch become a baby." Mr. J hopped up on the countertop to inspect the art of cooking by the Bennett witch.

"Sorry if I had a human reaction," Bonnie said, stirring the pot's greens. J let his tired eyes close to inhale the scents in the big kitchen. This smell.... took thoughts away for a moment.

"I feel relaxed and safe right now." He whispered to himself. Bonnie looked at the man from the side to see a gentle face that differentiates from his calculating looks. She moved a hand forward to touch his face, until, his eyes return to reality. Bonnie turn back around. So close.

"I know a small thing like you, ain't eating all of this food." Bonnie rolled her eyes and turn off the burner.

"Where did you go with Elena?" Bonnie asked the tall man. J did not want to hear that name right now. The person who overreacted to a night of sex and passion. J did not think about reactions, only making the body cum in multiple ways.

"To watch the moonlight on the ocean," J stood behind the witch.

"Are you jealous?" He inhaled the sweet shampoo from the shortcut as the greasy fish is taken out of the pan.

"I have a boyfriend," Bonnie said smoothly. J touched the girl's hair to feel the silliness of the strands. He leaned down to whisper in the exposed ear.

"Can't wait to tell Jeremy about the scandalous dress from last night." Bonnie froze from hearing the name.

"How do you know about Jeremy?" Bonnie turns around to find the kitchen empty. Where did he go?


Caroline woke up, groggy to bright light staring into their blue eyes. She shields herself away from the light to fall from a high point in a tree through branches and leaves.

"Ugh," Caroline rubbed the bruise back to the appearance of laughter.

"Hello, Cinderella." She turned to the man in a suit that creates loathing in the pit of an empty stomach.

"Where are we?!?!" Hands raised above his head.

"Relax, it is only the jungle. Don't be a fun sucker." He said smiling at the raging Blonde that is covered in dirt and leaves.

"Follow me."

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