The Reader's Choice Part Two: AKA DANCE PARTY OF PARADOXES

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"I'm here because of a suspect," Sherlock protested half-heartedly as they were swept towards the 'disco- room - thingy'. 

"No," John explained to anyone who would listen. "We're here because of the dance party, but he's trying to act otherwise." 

"I'm looking for a middle aged man with short hair, a leather jacket, and a long stride!" Sherlock raised his voice angrily over the music and noise.  

"What , me?" Nine bobbed into view. 

"You're a suspect in a case," Sherlock snapped. 

Nine looked genuinely surprised. "What? Why?" 

"You've stolen at least six sacks of bananas from a nearby super market," he said, irritated. "You're going to be brought in for persecution as a hardened criminal. I've been tracking you." 

"Also known as you emptied the shelves of bananas when Mrs. Hudson was making banana pie," John sighed. "Don't mind him." 

The music from the console room didn't get quieter; in fact, it grew almost deafeningly loud when they reached the disco ball, which send fragments of reflected light all over the dark, spacious room. 

"WOO-HOO!" Ten exclaimed. "Ain't no part-ay like a Time Lord part-ay, 'cos they can go on for years!" 

Eleven managed to pull off his embarrassing dance moves, the Master decided to be the DJ after promising he wouldn't play too many songs with the beat of the drums, and someone was stupid enough to suggest a conga line... 

... so of course the Doctors had to organize themselves in numerical order. 

Sherlock gave John a scathing look when he saw his friend was quietly dancing, but they managed to find Nine again. 

"Where are all the bananas?" Sherlock demanded. "Where are you hiding them?"

Nine shrugged. "There was too many to bring all of the bananas. I've only got thirteen or fourteen in my pockets." 

He proceeded to pull out all of the bananas from his pockets and show them as evidence. 

"Write that down, John," Sherlock ordered. 

"What, is it against the law to have fourteen bananas?" Nine looked affronted.

"Yeah, 'cos I've got a banana too," John said sheepishly, and pulled it out. "I read somewhere that you should always bring a banana to a party."

Sherlock stared at him for a few seconds. "I give up." he said derisively, and walked away.

Nine stared at him too.

"You've got a banana?"

"Er, yeah," said John blankly. "Um, you can't have it."

"No, but you've really brought a banana?"

"Er, yep. Got it right here."

"Seriously? You've brought one?" 

"Yes. I have."

"A banana? A real banana? To a party?"

John started to get annoyed. "Look," he said. "You've brought fourteen--" 

"FANTASTIC!" Nine shouted, and John jumped. "ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!" 

Ten appeared with tea. 

"What's fantastic?" he said curiously. 

"THIS MAN HAS BROUGHT A BANANA TO THE PARTY!" Nine yelled, pointing at John.  

"Please, show a little more excitement," Twelve said tiredly. "I prefer apples-" 

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