The End?

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Chatroom: morse code? what is?? is what??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/you're all going to die????????????????????????????doctor you're being watched?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Ten: see it's definitely not Morse Code


Ten: what?


Ten: There are no lines, this is an online chatroom. I think I would notice if there was lines, Amy.

Chatroommm: hey doctor what's everywhere and you are in the midst of it

Ten: space

ChatrRUNroom: danger

To be continued.............-. --- / --- -. . / .. ... / ... .- ..-. . ...............................

- - - 

Years have flown, and in the course of them, the Doctor has grown familiar with danger. So familiar, in fact, you might say Danger is a sort of friendly nuisance. A relative with a knack for showing up, unwelcome, at parties, and setting things on fire. Danger is like the Doctor's cousin's sister's roommate. Also a wee bit of a stalker. Follows him everywhere, you see. 

The Doctor has an inherent habit of running towards danger, now, instead of away from it. Because that's where people need saving, isn't it? 

Right now, whenever that is (is Time real? is causality and the present moment real? is anything real? is--SHUT UP, EXISTENTIALISM) the Doctor is doing that thing he does. 

You know, where his eyebrows do the thing, and he sort of does a thing with his face. It's a thing one of his younger incarnations picked up, what can I say? 

Anyway, he's doing the eyebrow thing and running his hand through his hair. Because he is concerned. There is a neat flick of his wrist from some pocket in his coat. Out comes the sonic, whirring away, at the computer screen. 

Danger, the chatroom says. 

"Oh?" the Doctor says. "What sort of danger?" 

Everywhere, and you are in the midst of it. 

"Blimey," the Doctor says. "A bit vague, aren't you?" He cups his hand to his mouth. "Why don't you show yourself, Danger? We're old pals!"

But not today. No, in the Doctor's mind, there is a seizing up, a sentimental determination to keep this chatrrom alive. Not today. Today, nothing is going to happen. Not to the little crossdimensional community. Not to any of his companions. 

The screen flickers. 



Ten: why does this always happen? eh? that's just laziness on the author's part, isn't it? after all how can everyone possibly - 

TonyStank: who the hell changed my username 

Amy: Doctor, has the chatroom sorted itself out? It went a bit 

Ten: wibbly, I know 

Sherlock: Doctor, I don't suppose I could enlist your services in avoiding an unfortunate death? I wouldn't usually propose such a thing. This, however, is important. 

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