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I feel like roleplaying but I don't feel like putting my roleplay book up again because no one was actually active on it, sooooooo.... 

RULES; 1) appropriate please 2) no controlling other characters 3) be nice, unless your character isn't of course, but hate the character , not the actual person behind that screen 4) only one character, NO OCs, (it gets too complicated and this is just for fun) no forms or anything, just launch into it   7) Doctor Who and Sherlock only 

As in the roleplay book, I'll be Ten, cos why not. Allons-y! 

The setting is.........I dunno. Some random planet. A planet called Shadow in the M563.5939 , with dangerous inhabitants who like throwing spoons at people. Have fun. Be silly. Whatever. New chapter soon, as soon as I can think of it! 

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