Taken Over By...Sherlockians?

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{highfunctioningsociopath has logged on} 

{mrshudsontookmyskull has logged  on} 

{andwhateverremainshoweverimprobablemustbethetruth has logged on} 

mrshudsontookmyskull: seriously 

andwhateverremainshoweverimprobablemustbethetruth: what?? 

mrshudsontookmyskull: Is your username for real? 

andwhateverremainshoweverimprobablemustbethetruth: Yes. Created by me and typed into my computer, and now appearing as pixels in front of your slightly unobservant eyes. It is real. 

highfunctioningsociopath: haha 

mrshudsontookmyskull: Have you seen these people's conversations! They think they're aliens! 

andwhateverremainshoweverimprobablemustbethetruth: Correction- they pretend they're aliens

mrshudsontookmyskull: Someone's logged on as Sherlock 

highfunctioningsociopath: O.o 

mrshudsontookmyskull: And the Doctors! 

andwhateverremainshoweverimprobablemustbethetruth: Traitor! You watch Doctor Who? 

mrshudsontookmyskull: I'm not a traitor ! :( I'm a wholockian! 

andwhateverrremainshoweverimprobablemustbethetruth: I am solely a Sherlockian. 

highfunctioningsociopath: it wld be soo funny if those ppl logged on and we cld pretend we believe them and then tell them aleins arent real

andwhateverrremainshoweverimprobablemustbethetruth: First of all, aliens, not aleins. And second of all...No. That's a stupid idea. Let's just tell them to their faces that extraterrestial life does not and has never existed and that they're living in deluded bubble of fantasy and whimsical vaguely scientific daydreams that will later result in acute personality disorders consisting of insecurity and childishness. 

mrshudsontoomyskull: Or we could, you know, just laugh at them. lol 

{Sherlock has logged on} 

andwhateverremainshoweverimprobablemustbethetruth: Nice username. 

Sherlock: Fourteen years old. American. Female. Obsessive compulsive disorder and an extreme control freak, with a tedency to correct others to the point of inaccuracy. 

andwhateverrremainshoweverimprobablemustbethetruth: ............. 

mrshudsontookmyskull: Cool! You're really good at- 

Sherlock: Eleven. Also American, and also female. Often critical of adults but too shy to fix other's mistakes, how ever monumental they might be. Spends a lot of time on social media--indicated by the speed of the reply--and more than slightly obsessive about cats. 

mrshudsontookmyskull: O.o what 

highfunctioningsociopath: Too wei-- 

Sherlock: Not in the least a high functioning sociopath. Values people, too much--extremely influenced by the opinions of other people, often agreeing with things that you don't like even a little bit, and either lazy or too young to be using social media and chat rooms, judging by the short replies and occasionally atrocious grammar. 

{highfunctioningsociopath has logged off} 

{mrshudsontookmyskull has logged off} 

{andwhateverremainshoweverimprobablemustbethetruth has logged off} 

Sherlock: >:-)) 



Sherlock: It's almost hard to believe that they're intelligent enough to understand half of those deductions. Anyone so thick as to write half their life story on their profile page is either a thousand year old extraterrestrial or a someone looking for confirmation they're not an outcast of society. 

{Eleven  has logged on} 

Eleven: Haha you've written about half your life story on your profile page. 



Sherlock: I don't need confirmation .  >:-) 

Eleven: ..? 

Sherlock: I notice you did similarly. You update your status practically hourly. 

Eleven: .. Well.. You have a blog

Sherlock: You mean John has a blog. 

Eleven: I bet you'd be one of those people 

Sherlock: And what are 'those' people? 

Eleven: You know, the ones you take to another planet and they stand there blogging 


                                          Who will take over the chatroom next.......? 

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