Knock Knock

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{Clara has logged on} 

{Eleven has logged on} 

{Ten has logged on} 

{Jack has logged on} 

{Jack has invited greatesttempever} 

Ten: wait, who's greatesttempever--JACK NO! SHE CAN'T REMEMB--

{greatesttemptever has logged on} 

greatesttempever: oi, who are you chaps???? do I know you? 

{Eleven has kicked greatesttempever from the chat] 

Eleven: jack. 

Jack: yes? 

Ten and Eleven: we're going to kill you. 

jack: meh. no loss.  

Clara: where've you been, doctor? I haven't seen you in ages!! :( 

{Rose has logged on} 

Rose: Who's she? 

Ten: I have no idea. 

{johnsmith has logged on} 

johnsmith: O.o Hello me!!!! 

Ten: Hello me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eleven: Hello... me's ???? !!!!! PARADOXES!!! I remember this conversation!!!! 

{RiverSong has logged on} 

RiverSong: Hello sweeties. 

{RiverSong has logged off} 

Rose: Should I be worried by the presence of this mysterious Clara person and RiverSong? 

Rose: Doctors??? 


johnsmith: no you shoul

johnsmith: sorry i didn't finish- i was going to say no you shouldn't, we're, er, in a different dimension. 

Eleven: Trans-dimensional chat room communication! This is brilliant! I'm going to friend all of you!! 

{TheMaster has turned off invisibility mode} 

TheMaster: >:-) Me too? 

{Eleven, Ten, and johnsmith have kicked TheMaster from the chatroom} 

{TheMaster has logged back on and is plotting all of your demises} 

TheMaster: that's cyberbullying! Harassment!! I'll report you. 


TheMaster: Knock knock 

Ten: um, who's there? 

TheMaster: knock knock! 


TheMaster: I knocked four times, stupid. 

{TheMaster has logged off} 

Ten: WHY?????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

{Ten has logged off} 

I'd love to hear what you think! And I have a question- what character should join the chatroom? 

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