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I don't know what that paper was about but I did as any other person would do for now, stuff it in their pocket and investigate later. Something else what more important about my past. The present and by that I mean Isabel. I started walking back to my room when someone stopped me in the halls.

"Hey there baby."

"What do you want?"

It was a guy, devilishly handsome, towering over me with his hand against the wall holding him in a slanted position that would make me unable to get past him.

"How about you and me go out sometime?"

"Sure, how about you meet me at the corner of you wish and never."

He looked taken aback. Which is what I wanted to happen.

"Woah girl what's your deal?"

"My deal is that I have more important things to do than this and more important people to see, either way though I'm already taken."

He looked like he was going to cry he looked so upset... damn this guy is such a baby.

"Can you please let me through."

"Oh.. yeah... *sniff* sorry."

"Thanks dude."

Thank god that guy let me through. He looked like a fighter but turns out he's just a big baby. No wonder he has no girl... I walked into the hallway where my room is, I looked at the room door and the crowd wasn't there anymore. The door was shut and I could hear many voices inside. I tried opening the door. It wouldn't budge. I leaned up against the door and the voices got quiet.

"Um, can I please come in? This is my room."

I heard foot steps aproach the door and I could see the handle start to turn. The door opened a crack and a police officer peaked through and looked at me.

"State who you are and what's your bisiness."

"My name is Katrina Wolfe, I'm a girl living here at the orphanange and this is my room, I share it with Isabel. I'm her good friend."

"Just a second."

The door closed and I could hear little whispers. The door soon opened again, all the way this time and the officer let me in.


The room was packed with police officers, paramedics, workers from the orphange and some girls I had seen around here. I walked toward Miss Guthrie, a worker at the orphange who I heard handled stuff like this.

"Miss Guthrie, what's going on?"

"Oh honey!"

She hugged me quite tight.

"Thank goodness you're here. We were trying to look all over for you! The officers wanted to ask you some questions about Isabel."

"Oh okay, how's Isabel?"

"Not doing good, the paramedics said they might have to take her to the hospital but the orphange can't pay her bill."

"Is there anything I can help with?"

"After your questioned come to the staff meeting tonight downstairs in the cafeteria we could talk more about this their."

"Ok thanks."

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