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I've been in the hospital for about a week now, the last thing I remember was when I was in the ambulance with Katrina, and my dad.

"Hey babe.. you awake?"

"Yes, how are you doing?"

Katrina looked like a wreck, she had broken her leg and arm, she has bruises and scars everywhere, what happened to us?

"Katrina? What happened?"

"Oh.. um.. well, we were kidnapped-"

"By whom?!"

"It was the poilce officer, it was a fake officer who was trying to rape both of us."

I tried so hard not to cry as all the memories of my past weld up inside of me.

"But, I had found your cell phone in your pocket, and called 911."

"That's good," I welped still trying to not cry.

"Isabel, it's ok to cry.."

Dammit I didn't want her to notice!


"Hey, Isabel?"


"Why are you in the orphanage, when you have a dad?"

"Oh, well.. When I was 6, my mother had commited suicide, I don't know why but doctors did say she was mentally unstable so, yeah. My father became a drug addict after my mom died, and he was unable to take care of me, so for most of my life I had taken care of myself. My father would bring a different prostitue home every night and most of the time he would come home beaten up by other men or girls. The girls would sometimes be so drunk or high that they would try to rape me. Long story short, I called child services, my father was in jail but I guess he got out and I never knew until we were in the ambulance. And that's also why I'm a lesbian too."

"Oh, I'm so sorry Isabel.."

I didn't even realize that the entire time I was telling that story, I was crying and that my dad was standing in the doorway, crying as well.


"Izzy... I- I'm sorry.. for everything."

"Dad? Do you work here or did Katrina call you?"

"I called him Izzy."

A woman walked over beside my dad, I could barely recongnize her.

"Um.. who are you?"

"Izzy? How do you not remember me?! It's me! Rose!"


Rose walked over beside the bed and gave me a huge hug.

"I've missed you girly!"

"I've missed you too! How did you know I was here?"

"Katrina called me, I'm surprised you still have my number."

Rose was my stepsister, but she's more like my best friend.

"Excuse me everyone can some of you please step out, we are going to run some final tests on Isabel. Also Katrina we have to run some tests on you too so you can head back to your room ok?"

"Ok, hey Rose can you wheel me to my room."

"Sure thing!"

Rose and Katrina left while the doctor and my dad stayed.

"Doctor? Is it ok if I stay?"

"Yeah, that's fine."


The doctor started running some tests on me and my dad just sat there staring at me, like he wanted to just burst out something to me. I wonder what was wrong.

"Um, dad can I help you?"

"You look so much like her sometimes, and you sound so much like her."

"Like who dad?"

"Your mother."

"Dad what was mom like?"

'Your mother was beautiful, she was so kind she wouldn't hurt a fly. She was so brave and she had always looked happy. But when she died I started thinking, was she really happy with her life? Only if she was here now I would ask her if she was ok all the time. I miss her so much. Sometimes I think she can see me through your eyes and she can hear through your ears. But I only wish that was possible."

"Dad.. I miss her too, I wish I got to know her more."

"Me too Izzy."

"Alright! I'm all done with you Isabel. You should be out in a couple weeks maybe."


The doctor left and it was just my dad and I in the room.

"Katrina told me about you and her. You guys seem like good friends."

"Well, we're more than friends dad.."

"What do you mean?"

"Dad, Katrina and I are dating."

"You're gay?!"


"Oh, well that's gonna be awkward.."


"I was going to adopt you both, I would get my daughter back and she would have her friend as a sister."

"Dad. It won't be awkward. Not for me at least, I don't know about Katrina though."

"Really? Well! That's great!"

"I'll talk to Katrina and see what she thinks."

"Ok dad."

My dad then left the room and I took the time to get some rest.


AN: Hey readers! Hope you like this new chapter! So much talking though.. XD Next chapter coming soon! Be sure to go check out my new book! Don't worry it's not replacing this one I was just too impatient to wait. Be sure to tell me if there's any mistakes. I'm open to critisim, please leave a star! Keep reading!

- Maggie <3

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