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[the next day]

"Hey bitch."

Aw crap... I recognized that voice.. it was Jessie.

"So a little birdie told me something about you, something I don't like."

"And what would that be?"

"That you're dating little miss rainbows and cupcakes."


"I mean your roommate Isabel."

"No we're not dating-"

"Don't even try to tell me that she's straight cause I already know she's not."

"Look we're just roommates, nothing is going on ok?"


She looked at me hella suspicious, I tried not to look nervous but it wasn't hard I've learned how to control my emotions by now.

"Fine if you say nothing's going on then I believe you, but if something is going on I will rip you to pieces if you hurt her."

She walked out of the room slowly but surely, she slammed the door. And I made sure to hear her footsteps fade away till I collapsed on the bean bag chair and just let out a deep sigh.

"Why does drama have to start now! I've only been here a couple of weeks!"

*sigh* "I guess you can never escape drama..."


"Hey beautiful."

Isabel walked into the room looking stunning as always, holding a basket full of our laundry.

"Hey baby, look I got to tell you something."

"What's wrong babe?"

Her concerned, worried face made me want to confess every secret I've ever hid. I couldn't stand that face.

"Someone knows."

"Knows about what?"

She started sweating which made me think that she was thinking of something else...

"Someone is suspicious about-"

I lowered my voice just in case.

"About us."

"Who?! How?!"

She started pacing around the floor, walking in circles, She was talking so fast I couldn't understand her.

"Woah, baby."

I walked over to her and grabed her gently by the shoulders.

"It's ok. We'll be fine."

"But who was suspicious about us?"



The second I told her who it was she collasped on the floor, she was still breathing but just unconsicous.

"Someone help!!!! She's unconscious!!!!!"

"Oh my word!!"

A worker at the orphanage who I didn't recognize ran in and helped her onto the bed.

"How did this happen?"

"I don't know! I was just talking to her and then she collasped!"

So much stuff was happening at that moment. The worker was calling for more help and treating Isabel, people were coming in the room wondering what was happening and I just couldn't handle it. I felt so claustrophobic with all the people. I made my way out of the room for some air and then I remembered seeing something in her pocket when she fell to the floor... pills.


AN: Hey people!! Sorry for never updating this!! I hate schooooolllllllllllll >:( Thank god for the weekend! Anyway I'm going to seriously try to start getting back on scheduele!! I miss writing for you all!! So remeber to follow, and tell me if there are any spelling errors (I suck at speelling sooo XD) also tell me if you have any ideas for the next chapter!! Next chapter coming soon!! Love y'all

- Maggie <3

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