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'Wake up Katrina! The classroom is no place to sleep!"

"Sorry Mrs. Abernathy."

"Look at me when you speak to me."

I looked up at her, "Sorry Mrs. Abernathy."

She covered her mouth in horror when she saw my face and the only words she could say were,

"See me after class please."

I knew why she was horrified, it was probably because I had a new, huge gash on my face thanks to my father. It was what he called my birthday present.


"You wanted to see me?"

"Katrina, I want you to go see the school counselor."

"But, why? I'm perfectly fine."

"Honey.", she sighed. "I've seen the cuts on your arms and how could i not notice the huge gash on your face."

That's when I lost it, I collapsed on the floor sobbing. I couldn't take it anymore, I can't let my own father do this anymore. Mrs. Abernathy helped me up and over to the counselor's office. We walked in, it was a small room with very comfortable sofas and a desk in the back corner. At the desk was Miss Jupiter the school counselor grading papers. She had delicate black hair she was in her early twenties and wasn't wearing very appropriate clothing for her first day on the job. When she saw me she gasped and ran over to me, sat me down on the sofa and Mrs. Abernathy shut the door and left us alone. And of course she asked me the stupidest question ever.

"Are you ok sweetie?"

"I'm fine!", I said more harsh than I intended to.

She came over to me and I laid my head on her and started sobbing again. She hugged me showing me that she was here for me, and I started sobbing even more.

"When you're ready to talk I'm here."

I couldn't even speak, I just nodded me head and we stayed that way for the rest of the day. But before the last bell of the day, this boy walked in. I didn't know who he was but he looked like a student. I was still crying and he walked over and hugged me. I got all tingly inside when he hugged me and my face turned bright red.

It was a good first day of school.


AN: Yay second chapter done! Tell me if any mistakes were made and next chapter coming next week!
Love you all and keep reading.

- Maggie

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