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When we got to the police station I seriously wanted to kill both of the officers, THEY'RE SO FREAKING ANNOYING! I SWEAR TO THE LORD ABOVE WATCHING OVER ME THAT I WANTED TO KILL THEM.

I quickly pulled out my phone and texted Isabel.

Me: Are you awake honey buns?

Isabel: Yeah.. where are you btw?

Me: ummmm its a long story i'll tell you later ok?

Isabel: ok...

Me: I g2g love ya bby

Isabel: love you too ;) <3

Me: <3

"We're here Katrina."

"Ok let's get this over with."

I crawled out of the car when suddenly another officer jumped out of nowhere and tackled me, I struggled to get free but then he held a cloth up to my mouth, the next thing I can remember is fainting.


When I eventually woke up, I was in a little room, no windows only a locked door. Inside the room was a table, a couple of chairs and a bed. The room had a sickening scent of sweat, tears, and maybe some drugs. I was tied with a strong chain to one of the chairs. The two officers from before came in the room. I couldn't remember their names but one held a bottle of pills in one hand and a whip in the other.

"Where am I?"


The officer whipped me right in the face, leaving a huge red gash.

"Good morning Katrina. Are you ready to have some fun?", the other officer smirked.

I hate my life.. I knew exactly what was going to happen, but I kinda didn't want to refuse, one of the officers were hot as hell.

"Katrina you have to do whatever we say ok? We're your masters now."

"Yes master."

"Good girl."

"Master, may I ask you a question?"

"Make it quick."

"Are you guys really police officers, I just wanted to clear that up."

"No we aren't."

"That's what I thought."

The one guy with the pills left the room, and the other guy started to untie me from the chair.

"Once I untie you you're going to lean up against the wall ok?"

"Yes master."

"And don't try anything."

"Yes master."

Thank god the hot guy didn't leave.

"Ok, I'll be back in 2 minutes. Don't try anything ok?"

"Ok master."

"Don't call master."


Once he left I sat down in a chair and just studied the room, looking if there actually was a way out other than the door. Of course it was a steel room with an iron door so there was no way to escape, so I stayed in the chair and just gave up hope. Maybe this is all my life would end up being, I'm just someone's little puppet that they love to play with.


AN: Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated (and that this chapter is short) I have too much homework it's unreal! Im also super lazy plus my sister is pregnant, so, yay... Well, next update soon! Love y'all

-Maggie <3

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