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- Phone call -

"911, what is your emergency?"

"Please help my father is abusing me! I'm only 15! I live at 2112 Jacob street!"

"Alright child's services and the police will be right over. Just try to run or hide from your father and is your father on any medications?"

"Yes he just took some drugs, I didn't know they were illegal until I looked at the bottle. He said it was medicine for his cold."

"Are you hidden?"

"I'm running, trying to find shelter. AHH!"

"Who the hell is on that phone? 911? Ha! The police can't stop me! Now suck it bitch!"

"No! Ack! You're choking me! Ack!"


- phone call over -


My father was trying to rape me but I could hear the police in the front yard.


"Shut up bitch or I'll shoot."

My father pulled out a gun and aimed it to my head, my wrists and legs were tied up by rope and the police were right in front of us. My father pulled out another gun and pointed it at the policemen.

"Sir put your weapon down!"

"Back away or I'll shoot her!"

"Sir put the gun down, please!"

My father had his finger on the trigger of the gun pointed to my head. The policemen looked like baby lambs and I looked like a mouse about to be eaten by a lion.



That's when my father shot a policeman and he pointed the gun down at my feet at pulled the trigger. The pain felt like my foot was being disconnected from my body. Then my father aimed the gun at my stomach.



Then things got crazy. Child services were helping the injured policeman, I could hear an ambulance in the distance, my father was shooting everyone in sight and I just stood there witnessing it all happen and I couldn't do a thing. I tried to struggle free but whenever I moved it felt like someone was stabbing my foot. Then I almost knocked my father to the ground. He was so angry he shot me in the stomach and the hard asphalt came closer and closer to my face as my vision was going black until everything went black.


AN: Hey guys! I know I changed the title and the cover. I thought it just fit in more with the story. Anyway tell me if there's any mistakes and next chapter coming soon! Love y'all

- Maggie

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