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[A couple days later]

"Hey, wake up!"


"Wake up sleeping beauty! You're wasting daylight!"

"Who is this? I can barely see."

I smacked my hand onto this guys face.

"Ow! Staph! It's Isabel's dad!"

"Oh, my bad... sorry."

He rubbed his face and threw open the curtains.


"Oh, please! Get up! Today's a big day Katrina!"

"What is today?"



He frowned disappointedly.

"It's the day you get out of here!"



I screamed with delight. How the hell did I forget?! Oh yeah, I was hanging out with Isabel the whole week.

"Now! Stop daydreaming and help me wake up Isabel."


I was secretly excited about waking her up, is that weird? Oh well.

We sneak into her room and as I get closer to her I leap onto her bed and bounce around.

"Wake up my lady."


She ended up falling off her bed after the 'earthquake' I did a good job.

"Now that's how to wake up a person!"

I offer my hand to her.

"You even awake sleeping beauty?"

"What time is it?"

She groaned trying to get up.

"It's 8:30."

"Why did you wake me up so early?"

"Because, today's the day?"


"We're finally getting out of here!"

Isabel screamed and she kissed me.

"Excited much?"

She nodded.

"Oh, morning dad."


"Sorry you had to watch that, I know it's a little awkward."

"Nope, I'm all good."

We waddled out of the room stiffly.

"I'm gonna go get ready."


"See ya later!"

"See ya!"


It was noon when I had packed all my things and was ready for the day, Isabel on the other hand...


"Need any help?"


I laughed and helped her.

"You can't just stuff it all in there!"

"Then how do you pack a proper suitcase Ms. Katrina?"

"Shut up, get me your things and I'll arrange this."


About an hour later it finally all fit in her suitcase.

"Jesus Christ, how much stuff do you have?!"

"Well we did go shopping a lot this week..."

"True, wanna go grab lunch and then meet your dad?"

"Or we could invite my dad to lunch?"

"Lets go with that. Man, it's gonna be weird to have a dad again.."

"I bet, but same here."

"I only just wonder where my mother is, she basically disappeared from the grid."

"Well, I would like to meet her one day."

"Me too."

"I'll call my dad and you find a place to eat ok?"


I grabbed my phone and looked for a really good restaurant.

"Hmmmm. Oh! Wait, no, not there. Hmmmmm."

There's a lot of good restaurants in this town.

"So Katrina where are we going?"

"We're going to a little, family run, pizza place called 'Big Mama'."

"Sounds interesting."

"Trust me its really good, I haven't been there in ages though. It brings back memories."

Terrible, depressing memories.

"Then lets go!"


After lunch we hopped into Isabel's dads' car and drove to his house.


"Really? I always thought of getting an upgrade."



"There's one indoors as well."

"Damn, living the fancy life."

He laughed and we went inside.

Oh my Jesus Christ and all things holy, this place was as modern as the iPhone 6 it was the nicest house I've ever seen in my fucking life. I almost fainted.

"Katrina here's your room."

"It's, blank."

"I know, you get to design it!"

"You're kidding..."


"Oh my god! Thank you so much!!!"

I hugged him and I could feel him sweat. Ew.

"A-and Isabel, here's your room. You get to design yours as well."

"Yay! We're also right next door!"


"Let me know what you guys want for your rooms, for tonight though you guys can sleep in the basement or the theatre."

"Lets both sleep in the theatre, we can watch a chick flick for once."


"I'll let you two know when dinner is ready ok?"


Now lets get designing!


Hey readers! I know that was kinda a bad place to stop but I don't know so ye. So if you didn't know this, I have at twitter! I tweet whenever I update so ye you can follow me there for that, my twitter is AnotherMisfit02. Now, time for some important information, WE HIT 400 READS! oh my god I cried when it happened, but thank you all sooooo much! You don't know how much I appreciate the support this book is getting. Also remember to vote if you're excited about them living together! (finally) and comment if you want to. Next chapter coming soon, keep reading!

- Maggie the forever a loner ;-;

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