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I haven't talked to Destina in weeks, and Katrina won't even look at me, I don't know how to get her attention.

I went to the hospital counselors office, 'for the sick, troubled teens' and found the counselor to surprisingly be not a girl.

"Hello there, can I help you?"

"Yes, my name is Isabel and I need some help."

"Help with what my dear?"

I hope he always doesn't call me "dear" to me when adults say that it's just creepy, especially when guys do.

"Well, I don't have any mental problems, but I'm having a problem with my girlfriend."

"Oh you're gay,"

Why did he sound disappointed..

"Look, is there a girl counselor I could talk to?"

"Isabel, don't be scared, just because I'm a guy counselor doesn't mean I don't understand girl problems."

'Isabel, don't be scared,' that's the phrase that scares a girl the most, especially when a random guy says it like he's a child molester, THAT DOESN'T HELP MAN.

"Ok then, so, long story short my girlfriend is mad at me and she won't talk or even look at me, I need to tell her what actually happened though in the situation that started this, so any tips of how I get her attention?"

"I once texted her about a literal million times, but that's a bad idea."

"I've also already tried that."

"Oh, well you could decorate her front door and make it say 'we need to talk' in lights?"

"Oh! Thats a good idea!"


"Thank you!"

I bought some supplies from Michael's and headed back to the hospital. This mission of getting Katrina to talk to me was now an urgent mission, Katrina and I were getting out in about 3 weeks. We were being let out early because of our tests being "fantastic" as the doctor said. So I really had to make this work.

I got to Katrina's room, I checked inside to see if she was there. Thank god she wasn't. I had asked my dad to stall her for today. Also thank god for her saying yes, even though I was pretty sure she wanted to curse me and my whole family..

I got out my supplies and got to work. My plan was to make her name is lights and then put a piece of paper underneath it saying "We need to talk -Isabel"
I was also going to put a heart as well to show that I still love her. This is gonna take awhile.

A couple hours later, after all the hard work and help from some nice janitors, it was finished, now all that's left is for Katrina to see it. I wonder if she'll forgive me after this, I don't see why she wouldn't at least talk to me. I texted my dad and told him,

Me: It's all finished now, she can come back.

Daddy <3: Great! I was starting to get a little bored.

Me: wow... :/

Daddy <3: Im on my way.

Me: Thanks :3

Daddy <3: what does :3 mean?

Me: -_- look it up old school

My dad is as ignorant as my grandpa when it comes to technology. He's hopeless.


I sat in my room, reading The Fault In Our Stars, waiting for my dad to text me that Katrina saw her new door.


Took ya 10 minutes! Where the heck did they travel off to?

Daddy <3 : She saw it

Me: and how did she react?

Daddy <3 : Well.. she cried, then she tore it all down..


Daddy <3 : yep

Me: back to the drawing board I guess

Daddy <3 : ttyl sweetie 😘

Well great.


AN: Hey guys! I know this is late but OMFG OVER 300 READS!!!! *fangirls* I can't freaking believe this! Thank you for all this support and for actually reading this book in general, it means soo much to me. Also sorry this chapter took so long! I wanted to get it up by Friday or Saturday but I forgot about some family plans so that didn't happen. Anyways next chapter coming soon, please leave a vote if you want to see more and leave a comment if you feel like it. Keep reading and I love you all! <3

- Maggie <3

Ps: I'm working on a fanfiction that's going to be out when this book ends so look forward to that in the future!

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