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"All done!"


"Can you call your dad to come pick us up?"

"You mean our dad, and yes."

"It takes a while to call a complete stranger your dad."

"I understand, you just need to get used to him."


"Hey girls!"

"You sure came quick."

"Well, I didn't want you staying here alone for long. Also, that's a lot of boxes."

"Well, I want to keep some memories, most are pictures and stuff from my room."

"Ok, lets go home and unpack these things!"

We carried the boxes and some other things into the car.

"Oh, I almost forgot! Girls, your rooms are almost done."

"Really!", Isabel and I said at the same time.

"Yep, the floors and walls are done, its just time for some decor and furniture!"

"The best part," Isabel said.

Once we got home, we raced into our rooms looking around, seeing if they got every detail right.

"It's PERFECT!", Isabel and I said at the same time, again.

Surprisingly, some builders walked into our rooms,

"Hello there."

"We're here to make custom furniture for you both."


"Surprise girls! It's a special treat for you both."


"What would you like girls?"


I made a 'small' list and blueprints and handed it over to the builders.

"Is that good enough?

"Perfect, it'll be done in no time, also could you maybe move or unpack those boxes?"

"Ok," I moved some of the boxes out in the hallway and unpacked some of the clothes from them.

A few hours later...

"All done ma'am!"

The room was just how I wanted it. It was beautiful, like a goth, emo heaven.

"How about the bathroom?"

"Oh, I forgot about that! You can take a break while I think of some plans."


They walked out of my room and headed downstairs, all except for one. He was a cute, small, and emo looking teenage boy.

"Can I help you?"

"I'm not leaving."


"Because I wanted to talk to you, sis."

"Sis? I have no brother."

"Is that what mom said?"


"No surprise there, she hated me. Thats why she gave me up."

"Why did she hate you?"

"Because I was just like dad, and I killed Julia."

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