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( The next day )



I turned around and Isabel leaped into my arms. I tryed so hard not to blush...

"Hey Isabel. You seem very cheerful today."

"I am! I was just told that we're sharing a room!"

Well this is gonna be awkward now...

"That's great Isabel! I hope we become good friends."

"Me too!!"

She smiled her infectious smile that fills me up with rainbows and smiley faces otherwise known as happiness, a thing I haven't felt in a while.

"Look Katrina, since we're going to be roomates I think I should tell you something..."

I hope she tells me what I think she's going to tell me.

"Um.. I'm a lesbian..."

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those rainbows and smiley faces were joined together with unicorns, cookies and cakes. I felt like I could kiss her and she wouldn't mind, that she would enjoy it, but I knew that she probably would mind because we barely know eachother...

"That's ok Isabel."


"Yeah, cause I'm a lesbian too."


"Yeah. Oh and I have to tell you something else too Isabel."


"Whatever you do DON'T TOUCH MAH JOURNAL. I can't stress that enough. Unless the journal is about to be destroyed by anything or taken by someone else then you can touch it."

"Yes ma'am!"

"Thanks Isabel."

"No problem."

"Do you need help with your bags Isabel?"

"Yeah I could use a little help."

There were 3 more bags behind her...

"How about we get the bags in the rooms first then we can talk about storage space..."

"Sounds good!"

So if I haven't described Isabel yet she has long, brown, wavy hair, perfect skin, full lips, green eyes, and a really good fashion sense. Also if you haven't noticed she's polite,respectful to others, and sometimes perky. So far she's perfect.. except for the perky part but I can live with that.

"So is that all your bags?"

"Yep I think that's all!"

"Alright! I'll clear out some of these drawers and theres two closets so-"

"Oh don't worry I brought some little storage cubes from my old home too so I think that should be enough space."

"Ok then, do you want me to help you with unpacking?"

"SInce I'm not the most organized person, please help."


I laughed at her organization flaw and I could see her blush a little. She's so cute when she blushes.


"Yes! We're done! I hope lunch is soon I'm starving!"

"Me too!"

The lunch bell rang.

"Well speak of the devil..."

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