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The next morning I awoke in Isabel's bed,  with me right on top of her.

I quickly rolled off of her and to the other side of the bed. I cringed just thinking of the possibilities of what happened last night. Hopefully nothing disturbingly weird.

Isabel soon woke up after and gasped when she saw me in her bed. At least my clothes were on so that means we didn't do anything.  Thank god, that's a relief.

I heard Isabel get out of bed and leave the room, I turned over and fell off the bed rolling out into the hallway and into my room. I crawled in bed and thought  about what could've happened last night. I ended up falling back asleep again. 

"Wake-y, wake-y, honey."


Isabel was laying right beside me her arms around my waist.

"Hello lovely."

She giggled and moved closer to me. We laid there cuddling for about an hour, and then to my surprise, Isabel was fiddling with my pajamas, undoing the bow tie on my shorts. But, I didn't stop her, as long as this doesn't go father than this than she's good.

I kissed her bare chest and she giggled tightening her grip around my waist.

"What would you say if I changed my look a little? "

"Isabel, no matter how much you change your hair or if you stop or start wearing makeup, I'll always think you're beautiful. Because you'll always be in my eyes. "

" Thanks honey. "

" Anytime lovely. "

We kissed and continued to cuddle. I never want to get out of bed.

"Hey sis!"

"Crap, you're here."

"You ready to go?"


" Can I come? "

Isabel literally came out of no where; scaring the shit out of me.

"No. ", my brother shouted sharply.

" Yes, you can come along."

"So, what are we doing exactly? "

"We're going to see my mom. "

"You found her!"

"Well, I did awhile ago but, I didn't know what to say to her so I never went to see her. Now though, I have a reason.", I motioned over to my brother and he rolled his eyes annoyingly.

" Ok, so when are we going? "

"Right now."

"Ok,  lets go! "

"Took you two long enough," he rolled his eyes and we walked out of the house and into his car.


"Here we are."

"She works here? No surprise, she probably regrets leaving us and wants to help out others with the same problem."

"Yeah, at you know that she's helping out others."

We walked inside and asked the receptionist if we could see her.

"Sure, she's in her office. Do you know her?"

"We're her kids and this is my very good friend."

"Alright, go right ahead. Room 2009."

"Same as our birth year...", he whispered.

Once we got there, we knocked on her door.

"It's open!"

We opened up her door and the second she saw us, she ran over to us and slammed the door in our faces.

"Nice to see you too mom."

"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to you, about him."

"Who's the girl you're with?"

"My girlfriend..."

Isabel blushed as I called her that and our mom slowly opened the door.


She grabbed my wrist;pulled me into her office and slammed the door behind her.


"Hey! Why can she only go in?!"

"I'll talk to you two individually afterwards."


She sat down in her office chair and politely asked,

"How did you find him?!"

To Be Continued...


Sorry about the cliff hanger guys! I just didn't want this chapter to be very long, also I didn't want to type all the dialogue xD. Anyways please leave a vote if you hated the cliffhanger, comment if you want to, and the nest chapter if coming soon! Love ya my misfits!

- Maggie <3

Life is Messed UpTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon