Chapter 4

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When I got home I spent most of my time thinking of Alex but I would be stupid to think a guy like that would like a messed up girl like me.

It was the end of the next day and it hadn't been that bad, I had managed to dodge May and Alex but when I was walking home I heard someone calling me"
" Ella, ella wait up "
Only one person called me that, I turned around to see Alex running after me.
" wow, you walk fast" he said when he caught up with me. " I got a b on my homework, all thanks to you" he kissed me on the check and I felt my self go red.
"I wanna thank you properly, so wanna get a coffee, my treat"
" oh, no you don't have to " i protested
" yes I do, come on" he grabbed my arm and pulled me into a local café. We sat down at a small round table near the back. Then may walked in with her ' followers'
" I'll go get the coffees" Alex said winking at me.
Shit, shit, shit, shit. I tried to hide my face from May behind a menu and was praying she wouldn't notice me. But it wasn't me she noticed. She walked straight up to Alex and put her arm on his.
" hey, you here alone?"
" no " he said, sharply moving his arm away. " Ella do you talk sugar?" He shouted to me
Oh why did he have to draw attention to me. " uh no, thanks"
" your here with her, well if you wanna hang out with a cute girl, you know where to find me" she winked at him.
" yeah, on the side of the road with all the other hookers." I couldn't help but laugh at what Alex said and the look on Mays face was priceless.

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