Chapter 22

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I was shaking all over, Alex pulled me into the janitors closet and locked the door.
" calm down babe, just breathe"
" I can't everyone knows, what do I do" I said between tears.
" this is what your gunna do, your gunna go to class and act like you don't give a fuck, act like nothing has happened and stay strong then if first class is bad well skip the rest of the day, okay?"
" I can't, I can't face everybody"
" yes you can " he said wiping the tears from my cheek.
" okay "
" I love you"
" I love you too"
He pulled me into another hug.

After Alex had calmed me down I fixed my makeup and walked out of the closet, gripping Alex's hand tight.

Class had already started and we were so post to be in science. As we walked in everyone turned to look and some people started to whisper.
" miss watts and Mr Jones, your late"
" sorry miss" he said
" just take your seats "
As we walked to the back of the room everyone went back to there work but I heard my name more than once.
Most of the the lesson no one said anything to my face but about halfway through a boy called James ( who wasn't popular but wasn't unpopular either) walked up to me .
" hey Bella you don't happen to have a pencil sharpener do you? Wait never mind I can't sharpen my pencil with the blade taken out of it" everyone laughed and I just looked down, hoping a car would just drive through the wall and kill me.
" you better shut your mouth James " Alex said standing up and walking towards him.
" oh, protecting your freak of a girlfriend are you? "
" don't call her that you cunt"
" you know what psychos like her should be locked up"
Alex punched him round the face and he fell on the floor. Alex then climbed on top of him and kept punching.
I ran over to him I tried pulling him off as a circle gathered around the, chanting " fight! "
" Alex stop! " I said pulling his arm. I had never seen him like this, and honestly I was scared.
" your gunna kill him, STOP!" I screamed as I saw that James had passed out.
Alex shook him arm to get me off him but he done it so hard I fell back and caught my face on the desk, I had a cut on my cheek and that's when Alex stop punching him and looked at me. Then two other teachers that must have been called in grabbed Alex and dragged him out the class. Then our science teacher called an ambulance and kneeled down over James. I got sent to the nurse to have her make sure I didn't need stitches. I was shaking again, I loved Alex but in that moment he scared me so much, he would have killed James and I never thought he could be that violent.

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