Chapter 10

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I was woken up by my phone ringing. At first confused of where I was but then looked down to see Alex still asleep. I grabbed my phone, shit it was 7 in the morning and my dad was calling me. I feared to answer it but I did.
" hi dad"
" hi Bella darling, I don't know where you were when I got home, but did you get my note saying I had to stay over night at the job?"
" oh yeah, yeah I did"
" okay, well I'm sorry I had to leave but I won't be back until another three days, so will you be okay on your own till then?"
" yeah course dad "
" great I have to go but don't be late for school okay?"
" okay dad bye"
" bye "
Phew, that was a huge relief. I wanted to wake Alex but he looked so cute sleeping . So I went to the counter and made some coffee. While I was making it Alex came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and begin kissing my neck. I turned around an kissed him.
" morning babe " he said in the hottest morning voice ever
" morning "
" shit, what's the time?" He said suddenly panicking
" calm down my dad left for work all night he thinks in home" I said
" great, so why down we just stay here all day drink coffee and eat cookies ? "
" what about school?"
" what about it ?" He said kissing me again.

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