Chapter 21

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When we came to the school doors I took a deep breath.
Alex took my hand.
" it'll be fine, May was just bluffing."
I knew that I should be the one comforting him as he just gotten out of the hospital.
" I gotta go to the loo, I just be a sec, met me at your locker?" He said kissing my cheek and walking off.
I made my way to my locker. I felt a little more confident and hoped that May wasn't in today. But you know what they say, hope brings eternal misery. I got a tap on the shoulder and turned around sharply.
" look who's back!" May said with a grin. " I thought you'd seen sense and left, or better yet jumped in front of a car. "
" what do you want May"
" you know what I want, I want Alex"
" well Alex doesn't want you"
" so why did he kiss me?"
" you forced yourself on him just to get to me, he told me everything "
" of course he did. I gave you more than enough chances to dump him but you didn't and now everyone is going to find out about you"
" no they won't" I said suddenly releasing what I was about to say couldn't make anything worse.
" what?"
" if you wanted to tell people about me you would have done ages ago, why didn't you "
" I- I was waiting for the right moment." She said clearly confused.
" yeah, that's not it. Even though your a bitch, and don't get me wrong you are a huge bitch, I don't think you have it in you to completely ruin my life"
May was shocked and honestly so was I.
" then clearly you don't know me that well " she said smiling and walking away. I still didn't know if she would tell anyone, she probably did have it in her but I think she was just playing with me.

I turned back to my locker when I felt someone's hand go around my waist, I turned around and before I could react Alex kissed me. He pinned me up against the locker and he hand made his way from my waist to my hands
And our fingers locked together.
" you okay?" Alex said after the kiss broke.
" yeah I'm fine, your right May's just bluffing "
" do u wanna skip first?"
" it's your first day back you can't skip" I giggled.
" fine, but your coming to a party with me tonight "
" what?!" I said, party's were not my environment.
" calm down, I got a text from a mate from my old school a few minutes ago and he's having a party. I said we would go"
" I don't know it's not really my thing-- "
" you are not getting out of this "
" Alex are you even aloud to go to party's you did just get out of hospital"
" my mum will think I'm studying with you, and half of that's true"
" do I have to go " I whined
" you'll love it I promise " he said kissing my neck.
" fine, I'll go " I felt him smirked on my neck and he continued to suck on it.
Our deputy head came up to us and said " keep it clean kids"
Alex stopped kissing my neck and started giggling.
" sorry sir" I said biting my lip trying not to laugh as well.
" just remember if you must, use protection, safe sex yeah?" he said walking away.
Me and Alex both cracked up laughing. Alex brought out the immature side in me as normally I would have just felt embarrassed.

I felt my phone buzz so I got it out to have a look at it. It was a Twitter notification which was weird because I hardly ever used it anymore.
***@maybaee: wow! Who knew this geek was actually a emo? 😝😝😝 @Bella_watts*** there was a link to picture of me with my sleeves rolled up showing the cuts on my arm. How the fuck did she get that? It looked like it was taking about a month ago in the girls bathroom while I was washing my hands.
My eyes began to fill with tears, I couldn't believe this had actually happened. It felt like a nightmare but I couldn't wake up.
" babe what's wrong?" Alex said taking my phone and looking at it.
" that fucking bitch"
I was trying not to cry but it was no use. I broke down in tears and Alex quickly pulled me into a tight hug.
" I'll fix this babe, I promise" he said kissing my forehead.
No one could fix this. Everyone new and I just wanted to disappear.

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