Chapter 30

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The drive back was silent, but Alex held my hand the hole time. When we got to his house he rushed out to open the car door for me.
" thank you" I smiled, taking his hand. " is Katie here?" I said, as we walked into his house.
" no, my parents wanted to go to some art gallery and she got dragged there, their staying at a hotel hotel tonight."
" okay"
" why don't you choose something to watch and I'll be back in a minute" Alex said walking upstairs. He still looked upset so I decided to go with a comedy. I went on Netflix and put on Orange is the new black.
" here ya go" Alex said throwing one of his t shirts at me.
" what's this"
" you can't be comfy in that, you can get changed in the bathroom" he smiled.
Luckily Alex was really tall do his t-shirt wasn't too shot on me. When I got changed I walked back into the living to seen Alex with a bowl of popcorn, laying in the sofa laughing at the TV. I grinned and he looked over.
" what?"
"You just look so cute and happy, I like seeing you happy"
He smiled and pulled me over to the sofa. We cuddled while watching 1 and 1/2 episodes of Orange is the new black before we started making out. And that led to something more. That night was perfect in every way.

--- part two--- saving the bad boy----

Things have been going so great. Me and Katie were like family, Jane and I have become best friends, and Adams like my brother. Most importantly me and Alex and stronger than ever, oh and I'm over three months clean! I have never been so happy, everything just seems to fit into place now.

Me, Alex, Jane and Adam were all at Janes house for a weekend while her parents were away. It was Friday night and Jane was already on the vodka, Adam was choosing a film and me and Alex were cuddled up on the sofa.
" when we finish school I think I wanna take a gap year" I say, looking at my fingers that were intertwined with his.
" we should save up, buy a plane ticket and just travel for a year" he said.
" really? Like should we really do that? "
" why not? Once schools finished what's keeping us? "
I turned my head and kissed him.

" I just got off the phone to the dealer were meeting him in 10 minutes" Jane said, chucking her phone on the chair.
In our little group, Jane, Alex and Adam smoked, sometimes I did but Alex hated it when I did. We also done weed sometimes, things have really changed for me because I never thought I'd do drugs, but I didn't do it a lot, it was normally just Jane and Adam that done it. We only done things like this when we were having weekends together for the holidays, which was usually once every 3 months, maybe not even that.

" can someone come with me cause I don't wanna meet him alone" Jane said. I gave Alex a look asking him to go, because I knew he would keep her safe and he knew he dealer so he wouldn't mess him about.
" Ughhhh, okay" he said getting up. " but you owe me" he said kissing me and then grabbing his keys.
" I love you, see in a minute" I called as they went though the door
" I love you too baby " he said, then I heard Jane mocking him in a high pitched voice, and laughing.

" Adam have you chosen a film yet?"
" don't rush me "
" okay okay, do you want a drink"
" year I'll have a beer"

I went out into the kitchen and got two beers, when I went back into the living room the front door was open, I put on Alex's hoddie that he had left and went outside, Adam was there having a fag. I handed him his drink.
" cheers " he said offering me a cigarette. Like I said I didn't usually smoke. But when I was drinking sometimes I did.
Adam watched me struggle to light it and laughed before helping me.
" that's the first time I've seen you laugh all day" I said
" huh?"
" don't huh me, somethings up? " I said, coughing because of the smoke, and him laughing at me again. Which I playfully hit him in the arm as revenge.
" me and Laura broke up" Laura was his girlfriend for about two months, all of us hated her, she was a cheater and we knew she was playing Adam but we couldn't say anything because every time we tried he would get angry at us.
" I'm sorry" I said, trying to make it believable.
" no your not, you hated her "
" what no I didn't-- "
" shut up, yes you did. And you were right she's a slag" he said taking a long gulp of his drink.
" okay maybe I hated that bitch, but I am sorry that she hurt you" I said hugging him.

Then something weird happened, like really weird. Adam tried to kiss me, I dodged it and quickly went back inside. What the heck??!! Well I guess things have just gone back to complicated, great.

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