Chapter 7

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The next day I invited Alex round mine ( hoping May wouldn't find out) . As we walked into my room Alex bit his lip, like he always did, while looking around. I threw my bag down on my desk and sat on my bed and Alex followed.
" I like your room "
" thanks " I said " so shall we study for the math test tomorrow ?"
" sure" Alex said
" okay so pie divided by 36 times 64 would be-" I could tell he wasn't really listening. He was looking around my room. "Alex are you listening ?"
" what? yeah!"
" okay then what did I just say ?"
" Alex are you listening ? " he said smugly, I couldn't help but giggle.
" focus " I said, jokily hitting him with a pillow.
" oh your gunna regret that" he said grabbing a pillow and standing up.
" choose your defence weapon"
" Alex-"
" choose the defence weapon or thou will be defenceless!"
I took a another pillow and waved it at him, he ran towards me and we started laughing while hitting each other with pillows. He was now on top of me while I was laying in the bed.
" do you surrender?" He said raising his pillow
" yes okay, I surrender " I said laughing. For a moment I was happy, for a moment I had forgotten about my depression and anxiety and it felt like I could breathe again, but of course that couldn't last.

Alex climbed off of me and I sat up.
" what's this?" He said picking up the box that i had hid under my pillow. The box had the blade in that I had cut myself with only last night. My hart began to race.
" Alex give it back" I said trying to grab it but he put it out of my reach and began to open it.
" Alex please don't " I said panicking.
He still had a smile on his face thinking this was still a joke. But when he saw what was inside his smile disappeared. He looked at me confused. He picked it up and saw the blood on it.

"Ella" he said almost whispering. My heart was in my throat I could hardly breathe and I was fighting back the tears. He grabbed my arm and pulled off the bracelets, revealing the cuts on my wrist. I was shaking, I just wanted to disappear, I wanted to run but my legs wouldn't move.
" what the hell Ella?" He said like he was really hurt.
I tried to get words out but I couldn't, a tear rolled down my cheek. I suddenly ran to the bathroom, locked the door and
broke down in tears.

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