Chapter 15

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It was a hour later and I was curled up in the corner, just staring at the wall. When my phone buzzed again.
" I hope I didn't make u guys break up, love ya! - May"
I could tell she was smug, and I threw my phone at the wall. That's when I realised how stupid I was, May had planned this hole thing.
My phone started to ring, and I picked it up hoping it was Alex.
" hello, Bella?"
" Katie, what's up?"
" you need to come to the house something's happened. " she sounded like she was crying, I stated to panic. Was it Alex ? I sprinted to the house and saw Katie standing by her car, crying.

" what's going on"
"It's Alex he's been in a car accident"
My heart stopped, I couldn't speak, I couldn't breathe.
" we've gotta go to the hospital, I'll drive you come one"
I didn't say anything I just got in the car crying.

When we got there Alex's mum and dad were already there crying and hugging each other, when a doctor walked in.

" I'm so sorry but it doesn't look good"
" can we see him" Katie said crying.
" he keeps asking for someone called Ella"
I was shaking as I entered the hospital room. He looked so weak, his head was stitched up and he was plugged into all sorts of machines.

" Ella, I'm sorry" he said quietly, taking my hand. He saw the new scars on my wrist and looked up at me.
" Ella you promised"
" I'm sorry but please don't worry about that now " I said crying.
" Ella I know I'm not gunna make it, so promise me you will never hurt yourself again "
" Alex "
" I love you " he said just before closing his eyes. The heart monitor machine he was plugged into let out a long beep. I couldn't breathe and for the first time I didn't want to. I didn't want to breathe anymore, I wanted to be with Alex.
" Alex please, please don't leave me. I'm not strong enough, please I can't live without you, please Alex, I love you"

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