Chapter 31

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I heard Adam coming back through the door. " bella I-" he was cut off by Jane running in.
" Bella you've got to help" she said out of breath and panicking.
" what's wrong?!" I said beginning to panic too.
" it's Alex, he got a phone call and just went mad. He got really angry and run off and I have no idea where he is" she said nearly crying.
" I do" I said grabbing my bag and running out.
" Bella wait" Adam shouted after me but I ignored it.

A million thought went through my head, was it somethings to do with Katie, had someone seen Adam try to kiss me and told Alex, was it his parents? I ran to our little abandoned coffee shop, only it wasn't abandoned anymore. It was made into a little book/coffee shop that was always opened. I was running so fast that everyone turned to look at me when I went into the coffee shop and the little bell on the door went off. It was late so there was hardly anyone there. I walked over to the corner where me and Alex normally sit to see him sitting there with blood on his fist.

" oh my god" I said hugging him, he hugged me back so tightly.
" what happened?"
" I hit a wall"
I sighed, I was so relived that it wasn't a person he had hit.
" why?"
" I got a phone call, Cris Hadlow is appalling to get a shorter sentence on the grounds of mental health issues which caused regretful actions"
" who? What does that even mean?"
" the man that killed my brother is trying to get let out of prison. The hearings next Tuesday. They want me as a whiteness. What the fuck am I gunna do?"
I was in shock but I just hugged him.

After hours of talking me and Alex went back. To find Adam and Jane sitting by the door waiting.
" oh my gosh thank god your safe" Jane said hugging us both. Adam just gave me a weird look. With all the drama I had forgotten what happened but I remembered now. Fantastic.

" Alex has to go to court to keep the guy that killed his brother locked up." I said
" what?!" Jane and Adam said.
" guys I don't really understand it right now, I just wanna go and see my family." He said grabbing his car keys.
" you aren't driving, you've been drinking, we all have. "  I said taking the keys from him " you've called your mum, we will go see them first thing tomorrow"
" they need me" he said taking the keys back.
" no, they don't need to see you like this. They know I'm here and I promise we will go there first thing tomorrow. Just get some sleep please" I said taking the keys and putting them in my bra.
" if you think that's gunna stop me your hugely mistaken" he laughed. I love how he could laugh in any situation, even when he's falling apart.

Me and Alex went upstairs and laid on the mattress on the floor with a blanket over us. I cuddled up to him and listened to his heart. I new he wasn't asleep and he probably wouldn't for a while but right now I knew all I had to do was just be there. I couldn't deal with Adam now, I would just have to forget it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2016 ⏰

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