Chapter 1

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It was the first day back from summer and I was dreading it. I was really shy at school so no one really noticed me, that's why I didn't really make an effort to look 'hot'. I just wore dark Jean shorts with a white loose top,I had long straight brown hair that I always wore in a pony tail, I just put on a bit of makeup and I always wore brackets to cover up my wrists.

My first class was math and I knew that may would be in that class too. May was one of the most popular girls in my year and for some reason she hated me, we were best friends in middle school and I told her everything, even about my anxiety and cutting myself, but we drifted apart and before I knew it she hated me and was set on making my life a misery. Although for some reasons she never told anyone my 'secrets'.

I walked into the classroom trying not to attract to much attention. I sat down near the back of the room, hoping that may wouldn't notice me but she did.
" hey Bella, oh most people lose weight over summer but.. Well I guess your really different aren't you " may said smugly. I just opened my book and tried to block her out.
" hello, hello everyone. Welcome back from you holidays I hope you all had fun. But we are back at school so let's start with the questions on the board" said Mrs Lee as she sat down with her head in a book that had nothing to do with math.

Then a tall boy waring ripped black jeans and a plain white vest top with a unbuttoned loose checked T-shirt over the top, he had brown hair and gorgeous green eyes and was suddenly standing in the door way. " hello, you must be the new student " said Mrs Lee handing him a book. " yeah " he said, his voice was deep but soft. " well why don't you sit at the back next to umm ....Bella ". I suddenly got really nervous and just looked down at my book. " hey, I'm Alex " he said standing over me with a hypnotising smile and began bitting his lip. " uh, hi, I'm Bella" I said shyly my anxiety was was getting really bad and I began fiddling with my fingers. Alex sat down and opened his book looking confused. " do you get any of this? "
" uh, yeah, do you want some help?"
" please".

After I explained how to work out the sums to Alex I noticed he was looking at me smiling. We made eye contact for a second then I looked down at my book.
" listen, I still don't get this, do you wanna meet up after school and study" I was shocked to hear that he was even talking to me let alone asking me to meet up after school.
" yeah sure, I guess I could tutor you " I said smiling.

Bad boy saved meTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang