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lips attached to lips , hands roaming their bodies, warm skin touching skin, hot breath made the boy beneath shiver with ecastasy. the hotel room was all field with moans and groans.

derek gently scratched down kobe's back, feeling pleasure shoot through his entire body when kobe rolled his hips slowly. he tilted his head to the side, allowing kobe to suck on his pale skin.

kobe had the skin between his teeth, kissing all around his neck, leaving decent sized hickeys on his neck. his hips never stopping their movements.

"AH!" moaned derek.

kobe walked into the hotel room with a huge smile on his face, as he carried in a bag of mcdonalds.

he stopped smiling when he looked over at his boyfriend, to see him squirming and moaning his name.

he was confused of what was going on, this never happened to derek before. he couldn't believe that his own boyfriend was having a wet dream in front of him.

the older boy quickly set the bag down on the table before heading over to his boyfriend, to wake him up before anything happens next.

he slowly slid in the bed and turned around so he was facing the boy, before he gently tapped the younger boy's bare shoulder. at first, he didn't wake up so kobe picked him up and set him in his lap.

derek slowly opened his eyes to see that he was sitting on kobe, who was looking at him with a worried look.

derek didn't know what was going on with him, because this never happened to him before. he doesn't know if it's bad or not, but he's scared.

"you okay love?" the older boy asked with a worried look.

the word, 'love' made derek heart shatter and his stomach was field with butterflies.

derek just shrugged his shoulder while looking down at his fingers. he didn't know what to tell kobe at all, because this is really new to him.

"baby listen it's not bad to have wet dreams, it's happens to everyone.. once in a while" kobe said while grabbing onto derek's hands, which was shaking.

"b-but this is n-new to m-me" the younger boy while shaking. kobe smiled at the way, the boy was talking.

he doesn't know what anything of this means, which makes kobe love about him. how innocent the boy was, made his heart shatter in pieces.

he wanted to be derek's first everything, but isn't going to do it without the boy's permission. he wanted to make it special for him so he doesn't have to worry about it.

he will never ever lay a hand on the boy, or hurt him in any pieces. he truly loves the boy to death and would do anything to make him happy.

"listen baby, i know it's new but i promise you, everyone gets it once or twice, nothing to be afraid of"

derek didn't know what it meant, but he knows what the word sex but doesn't knew what to do. no one ever taught him anything.

"c-can you do it w-with me?" derek asked swallowing in fear, not knowing what to do.

kobe's eye widened because he never heard derek say this before, which is something new to him.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 | 𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤Where stories live. Discover now