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derek woke up, remembering what happened last night and blushed hard. he slowly sat up before groaning out in pain from his lower back. he pulled the covers off before slowly getting up from the bed and limping to the bathroom.

he walked into the bathroom before looking into the mirror to see hickeys on his neck. how was he going to tell his mom about this? he doesn't want his mom getting mad at him losing his virginity to kobe. he doesn't want someone else leaving because they get mad at him.

he sighed and closed his eyes while leaning his head down on the counter to control his breath. he gasped when he felt arms wrapped around his arms, but relaxed when he noticed it was kobe's.

"what's wrong love?" the older boy asked while caressing his hip.

derek just only shook his head, not knowing how to tell his own boyfriend. he just doesn't want him to make fun of him because he's being scared of telling his mom.

"de?" kobe asked before lifting derek up and setting him on the counter in front of him.

the older boy rubbed the boy's thighs carefully while looking into his eyes with a worried look. derek looked at his fingers while playing with them.

"what's wrong, please tell me" the older boy said while rubbing derek's neck.

"i-it just.. w-what w-will my m-mom do?" derek asked while looking into kobe's eyes.

"that we did it? baby listen, she is happy that i'm happy because i make you happy. and i know for sure she won't be mad because you lose your virginity to me"

derek smiled before wrapping his legs around kobe. he giggled when kobe picked him up and carried him into the room before laying him on the bed, and hovering over him.

"hey bo-woah" the two boys broke apart when they heard their mother's voices.

"please tell me; y'all done it?" derek mom asked while squealing.

the two boys blushed before kobe smirked at derek and the moms. when he did that, the moms immediately squeal in happiness.

"finally derek isn't a virgin, damn.. he complained about it a lot" derek's mom said, making derek blush hard and covered his face.

"mom, you was post to keep that a secret.." derek said while being embarrassed because all of them laughed.

"baby there's nothing about being embarrassed from it" kobe said before kissing him on the lips.

at home, derek would always complained that he was a virgin and he someone to do something, but had no one until kobe came into his life.

he should know that his mother would say that, because every mother would do that. he just didn't want kobe to know that he wanted to lose it before he knew him.

"but anyways what you came in here for?" kobe asked while looking at the mothers.

"just wanted to see if you're going anywhere today, since in two days, you're leaving.." kobe's mom said while being sad of leaving.

"well.. i was thinking of taking this boy to this coffee shop down town before tonight and take him on a date" kobe said making derek smile at him.

the mothers squealed in happiness once those words came out of kobe's mouth.

"alright we'll let you two hang out for the next two days" the boys smiled at that before saying bye to their moms.

when the moms left, derek sat up and looked at kobe.

"are you really taking me on a date?" he asked with a innocent smile.

"yeah baby i am" kobe said while kissing him on the lips.

the two boys made out for the past two minutes before pulling away so they can get ready to go to the coffee shop for breakfast.

the two boys walked into the coffee shop with a huge smile on their faces, especially derek.

kobe sweared he never seen anyone this beautiful before until he seen derek. he never knew he would be this happy with someone as he's with derek.

he's glad that he is derek's first everything, he never been anyone's first before.

"baby you okay? you zoned out a little" derek said breaking kobe out of his thoughts.

"yeah baby i'm okay, just thinking about something" kobe said smiling while kissing derek on the lips.

derek giggled before they headed to the booth and sat down in it. they sat right across from each other so kobe reached over and grabbed derek's hands.

they broke their eye staring when the waiter came up to him. she smiled at the two couple.

"y'all so cute! but anyways what do you two want?" the waiter asked while smiling and holding her notebook out.

"umm i'll take a pancake combo with ice blended caramel coffee, what about you baby?" kobe asked while smiling at the boy.

"i just take the same as you but with vanilla ice blended" derek said looking up at the waiter.

she smiled before writing it down before walking off to make it.

"god how did i get so lucky to have you" kobe said making derek blush hard.

derek looked down at their hands with a blush. he never heard anyone say that to him, he doesn't know how to feel. he felt butterflies in his stomach from that.

"n-no one ever s-said that t-to me before" derek said while looking into kobe's eyes.

"well i'm glad i'm the first person to say it" kobe said smiling at him.

they got cut off by the waiter coming by and giving their meals before walking off with a smile.

derek picked his drink up before drinking half of it, since he was thirsty. he set it down before him and kobe started eating their meal.

"thank you for this kobe" derek said while smiling at him.

"i just want to make my baby happy" kobe said kissing the boys hand making him blush.

derek never been a date either so this is really new to him, and he's glad to experience it with kobe. he doesn't want to do it with anyone else.

{date will be next chapter}

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 | 𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat