damian headcannon

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Raven has found damian curled up sleeping in her cloak an ungodly amount of times. She always takes a picture and thinks it's adorable.

Sometimes when raven is floating in the air reading damian climbs onto her and just sits in her lap to see what she's reading.

Damian made custom matching katanas for them. Her's is black and purple and his is black and green.

Most of the times they have sex raven is pegging him or doing something that directly pleasures him. Raven is very dominant in bed.

Raven and damian have a slight bdsm relationship, raven is a dominatrix and damian is a brat.

Both of them can cook very well (damian is still better) and some nights they like to mix arab, chinese, and mexican food together to see if it tastes good.

When they have sex jamie speaks in only spanish and with a low deep voice upon Damian's requests.

They end up having a biological daughter named Na'marri. She has black hair, green eyes, brown skin, and little blue butterfly prints and tattoos down her back and arms which she was born with.

Damian is a neat freak and always has to have everything cleaned so everytime jamie goes out he comes back to a completely organized and clean room/house.

Jamie picked damian up from school one day and someone saw them making out in the car and took a picture, now everyone knows that the most handsome and badass kid in school is literally dating a super hero.

Jon is always pulling damian away from fights in parks, ally way, Parking lots, and even just the sidewalk. Kinda like bucky with pre serum steve except damian can actually defend himself.

Damian is all mean and rude everywhere else and jon is all nice and sweet but in the bedroom that all goes away. Jon becomes this rough kinky dom while damian just sinks to his knees and does whatever jon wants.

The rest of the batfam had placed bets on who is top a bottom in the relationship and they all got their answers when they watch some security footage from the living room and see damian getting the living daylights fuck out of him by jon. The worst part for them is that there was c audio.

For a while damian was actually getting hurt by jon. Now jon didn't know he was doing it but if they were making out or hugging, sometimes jon would squeeze a little too tight or be a little rough with the super strength. And Tim actually went through the same thing with Connor.

When Jon plays his game for too long damian gets really clingy and needy. Jon has had to leave an online match of call of duty with his friends and shit ton of times because damian would get on him and start whispering dirty things while grinding on him.

Once while garfield was away for 2 weeks damian did a deep clean and disinfectant on his room then covered the whole thing in holy water cause that smell was hellish then he went to 10 different doctors to make sure he didn't contact any deseas. Garfield was not happy but damian had planned for that. Let's just say a bunch of junk food and some hours of make up sex and he was fine.

Out of all of Damian's other past lovers or the ones in this Polly relationship, garfield eats the best ass. He has a super long and pointed tongue so he would naturally be the best amongst other reasons.

Damian really missed goliath, what would the media think of 'bruce wayne's son ridding some type of giant flying creature'. Gar took matters into his own hands and with raven's help he transforms into a batdragon to surprise damian.

Damian often has gangbangs with at least 5 to 7 other heros and when damian comes home covered in marks and unable to walk the number of heroes in the world goes down.

Since damian is half demon he has a really weird biology. He can do a lot of things both genders can do which includes being able to convince a child.

Damian has an entire 3 bedroom apartment just for clothes and to have sex. He keeps almost all of his inappropriate clothes there and made sound proof walls so random one night stands and lovers wouldn't be heard by neighbors.

Ivy and harley helped him buy sex toys when he was only slightly under age and catwoman helps him buy lingerie and kinda revealing cloths. He couldn't risk being seen buying vibrators in public and bruce would be able to see all orders online since it is his credit card.

Damian runs away a lot and it's for good reason but his family doesn't see it like that, they just think he's being a little stubborn brat. But while he's gone bruce is just annoyed, dick is worried, jason is gone half the time and doesn't really, but he still kinda does, Tim just sees it as a vacation from not having to be around the little demon brat but still is only like a little worried when he's gone for more that 2 weeks.

Colin actually ran away from the orphanage when he turned 15 and started living on his own in an old abandoned house which damian helped him fix up. This is one of the 3 places damian goes when he runs away.

Damian had sex with Colin like once of twice. Not friends with benefits but not lovers, just something that happened.

Damian is naturally small, a thing that everyone points out and teases him for. But when he left when he was 14 and came back 5 years later........let's just say dick's little baby bat wasn't such a baby any more. Everybody noticed, especially the media.

When Dick left for bluëhaven damian nearly left his room until dick came back to visit but he could tell damian was different.

It's known that bruce is a play boy and all of his kids are a part of the LGBTQ in one way or another but no one thing they didn't see coming is for their father to be. They found this out when they saw him pulling a CEO of a company to him room after a spring gala.

Jason is usually the one who finds damian when he runs away unless he willingly comes back by himself.

All of damian's brothers and bruce makes it a point to interrupt damian and his lovers when they have some alone time.

Tim was snooping around in Damian's room while he was at school and what he was not expecting to find in his 17 year old little brother's room in a 10 inch dildo and garder belts. Let's just say Tim never snooped around again.

Damian wanted to get drunk so he went and took some of Bruce's alcohol and got caught. Yes bruce was mad but he became furious when he found out it was his good vodka he drank.

Jason is one of Damian's favorite brothers because he can get him things that he shouldn't have. Like alcohol and a little weed. Even gave him a small hand gun for him to keep in his room to protect himself while everyone else left to go to Europe for a case, which he let him keep.

When damian was fired from robin the first person he went to w was Jason. Fro a month every time Jason saw him he would just shake his head and tisk like a judgemental Aunt at a cook out.

Damian has stabbed everyone in the house at least twice except for Alfred.

Alfred was the only person in the manor damian has ever actually said the words 'im sorry' to and the entire batfam was astonished when they heard it.

Damian kinda thinks the whole justice league other that wonder woman (expect in injustice) are kinda sellouts when they do interviews.

The original members of the justice league are kinda like his uncles and aunts but he does have one thing that they each did that he can't forgive them for.

Stephanie and damian both have a good-ish relationship but it mostly comes from their continuing argument about if her boobs are fake/is she stuffs her suit.

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