Why pt.2

513 14 11

Genre: Angst/fluff
Ships: jayroy, timkon, technically jondami

Jon: newly 18
Damian: 16

The rest of the family try to help damian with his harmful coping mechanism and deal with Jon but Jon's family refuses to give him up.


Damian's POV

"You have a lot of explaining to do"
I just stare blankly at the wall not saying anything. I hear father sigh before speaking "can all of you please step out". Todd and Drake were about to step out when Grayson decided to object.

"What, no. I'm not leaving him"
"Dick please" he said loudly, I wince slightly at volume and they all notice. "Please just step out for a minute." He hesitantly gets up and leaves. When they opened the door I see Brown, Gordon, and Cain on the other side.

Once they close the door father turns to me "Damian what happened?" He asks softly but in a serious tone. He puts his had on my shoulder but I flinch away from the sudden movement. He takes his hand away and looks at me with slight pity. I hate when people look at me like that.

I stay silent. I don't want to leave him, he's the only person who ever truly loved me a I don't want him to hurt me.

"Damian please. Say something. We can help you"

I look up at him with wide eyes looking at him like a scared child. All I can do is just shake my head.

"Damian. Please, just trust me. He can't hurt you anymore, I won't let him. Just tell me." He pleads wanting to know what happened but I can't. I open my mouth but nothing comes out but a few shakey breaths.

He looks at me hopefully. I want to tell him I want to so bad but I can't. I don't want jon to hurt me, to hurt them. "I-I-I I Can't" I say through the haste breaths of air.

"Why" he asks concerned. "I-I don't want him to h-hurt me......to hu-hurt them" I say weakly pointing to the door. "It's ok, damian it's ok he won't get to you. He won't get to us."

"Now please just tell me what happened" he says as he slowly puts his hand on my cheek. I stay silent for a minute before speaking.

"I-it started when he came back..."

Bruce's POV

I can't believe this. All of the horrible things he's telling me Jon did to him. I need to make this right. I need to make sure he can never hurt my son again.

When he's done he starts sobbing into my chest  " 'ana asif 'abi (I'm sorry father)" he says into my chest. " "Oh Damian, you don't need to apologize. None of this is your fault, no one will blame you"

After a few minutes of sitting with him Alfred comes in to adjust his IV and to check on him. I begin to walk out but damian holds onto my fingers to stop me from leaving. I turn back to him to see what's happening.

"Where are you going" he asks in an innocent voice that crushes my heart. "I'll be back later, I just have to take care of something." He slowly let's go and with that I leave.

I get out of the room and see his siblings. They all start asking questions about him, mainly if he's ok, and what we are going to do with Jon. I look at them and sigh before discussing what we are going to do.

Wonder woman's POV

For some reason bats called me and told me to meet him in the bat cave. He didn't really give details but he told it had something to do with damian and I need to come quickly and to bring my lasso. I get to the end of the tube and sit up, once I do I look around to see nothing but concerned faces and even dick crying.

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