Blood in the water

598 12 0

Genre: Angst
Ships: none

Damian: 15
Dick: 31
Jason: 26
Tim: 20
Bruce: 50
Alfred: immortal

Damian's whole life has been him against the world. Now he's tired of fighting.

⚠️ Trigger warning. This chapter deals with the subject of depression, anxiety and suicide. If you are sensitive to any of these topics I suggest you skip this chapter ⚠️


Damian's POV

I turn my head towards the bathroom looking at the hot water running into the tub, watching the steam rise into the air. The room is so hot but I feel so cold, so dark. If only I could escape it all, to a place where I can just be without judgment, and that place was not here. Not now, not ever.

I back out of the window at my 'family' one last time before walking into the bathroom closing the door behind me. I lean down to turn the tap off and I strip my clothes off all the way to my tight black underwear.

I open the cabinet under my sink and pull out a small wooden box. I stand back up, my eyes getting caught staring at the mirror looking at my small scarred body. I'm so much more pale than I was in Asia. So much more skinny.

I look at all of my scars for what seems like forever. Then my eyes get drawn to the handprint on my left arm from...him.

I tear eyes away from the mirror and I open the box. I look down at the scattered razors and switch blades. I pick one up and just stare at it.

I close the box and and turn to face the the tub of hot water. I walk forward slowly and dip one foot in then the other foot. I sit down and I flip out the blade.

I unravel the wraps I keep around my wrist and thighs I have been using to hide the scars I have been making for about 2 years. But after today I won't need them anymore, they can do whatever they want with my body if anyone even cares to find me.

I pull my arm out from under the water and I look at all of the cuts that had been already made. There are about 40 on each wrist, some deep and some still red.

I put the sharp end of the blade to my wrist and push down harshly as I swipe slowly. Watch the dark blood spill out, feeling the the sting shoot through my arm giving me some sort or pleasurable closure knowing that I will be taken away from all of this soon.

I move the blade down slightly and make another cut but deeper than the first. I let the blood run for a few seconds basking in the feeling of pain before making another cut then switching over to cut the other wrist.

By now there are 3 new cuts on my left wrist and 4 on my right. I weakly sit the razor on the edge of the tub and and leave my fingertips resting on it with my other hand bleeding in the water turning a crimson red.

I rest my head at the foot of the tub letting the dark red blood seep out of my wrist and let it run into the water letting my vision become cloudy with little black spots appearing while my hearing starts to cuts out.

I close my eyes but not before I hear the faint sound of my bedroom bedroom door open and close. "Damian are you in there" I hear a soft distorted voice from the other side of the door.

Damian Wayne OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now