Permanent ink

688 12 8

Genre: fluff/sad
Ships: gardami, bruceline

Damian: 18
Garfield: 19
Bruce: 60
Seline: 53
Jason: 30
Tim: 24
Cass: 20

After Damian's 18th birthday party he goes with beast boy to get a tattoo. Bruce is not the happiest but comes around when he finds the meaning.
(This is in the same timeline as the demon chapter)

⚠️slight mentions of past self harm, rape, panic attacks and sleep paralysis⚠️


Damian's POV

Finally the day has come.
I'm in the passengers seat sitting outside of the tattoo shop looking in the rearview mirror at myself. I have wanted this for so long, but have never thought I'd get the chance to actually do it. I just keep staring until I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Logan.

"Hey babe. It's going to be ok, you've wanted this for so long and now you get to do it." He say rubbing my hand trying to comfort me.
"I know. I am just worried that..." I trail off leaving him worried. "That what?" He asks softly has he puts his hands gently on my cheek turning my head to face him.

"That the reason behind this will be the only thing people see me for. That they will only ever see my for my trauma". He looks at me sad, "See like that. As soon as I mentioned it you look at me with pity. And now I'm going to go and get something that will permanently remind people of it every time they look at me." I say slightly hurt.

"But babe that's not what this tattoo is about though and you know that. It's not about what happened to you but what you have over come in your life and no one can take your pride away from you." I smile slightly at the memory of when he had first said that a few years back. "Your right." I say quitely.

"I know I am. Now are you ready to go in or are you waiting for God to give you a sign" he jokes knowing that I am a satanist. I chuckle and pull his hand down and turn to get out the car. We walk inside the empty building and look around. "Sorry folks were closed. Come back tomorrow" the dark skinned woman with a tattoo covered body says not looking up.

"Olivia Darling are you so sure about that" she turns back to us and smiles y like the joker."Oh I've been waiting for the day you would come and get this done. And happy birthday" she runs up and hugs me to which I do not return. Once she's done she pulls back and looks at me.

"Are you ready for your first tattoo altiniyn alsaghir (baby dragon)" she asks, I respond with a nod and she goes and unlocks the back door waving at us to come over.
Olivia is an old friend who used to work in the league as an body marking artist. She would do piercings and ritualistic tattoos and even hena when asked. But once she had wondered a bit to far in the palace and my grandfather caught her. He punished her and threw her out, she came to Gotham to live with her sister and she opened a tattoo shop to keep herself on her feet. After I moved here I found her pretty quickly and we began talking again and she is now a close companion of mine. And that's why I chose her to do this tattoo, I trust her with this and the tattoo means just as much to me as it does to he and my grandfather only ever hired the best of the best and the most talented so I knew it would be done right.

Once we get in the room she points to the red tattoo chair signaling me to sit. She lines up all of the tools after she sterilizers them then she turns to me. "Ok so you sent me a lot of drawings and photos but what specifically do you want".

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